
Did you ever feel that if you learn to trust and open up to another person, then this person WILL hurt you?

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Will hurt you at some point?




  1. this is natural of that, u have to always be limited with opening up to others, but not everybody is the way to hurt u cos some people are just perfect for listening and advising

  2. Yes, but there is also a 50/50 chance that person WONT hurt you .... its worth taking the risk to find something special, whether it's for a relationship or a friendship.  

  3. Yup. It's a risk you take with other humans, and that they take with you

  4. trust. hmm. okay. so

    no offense, but your entire life is going to be filled with situations where this question will come up. honestly the best thing in my opinion to do is, if possible, get to the point where it isn't hard for you to get over the pain of being hurt. cuz it's going to happen, kinda pessimistic but true. it's a part of life. you take the good with the bad. you can't let yourself be held back by thinking like that. if you're always afraid of being hurt, you'll possibly save yourself from being hurt, but you might also end up hurting them. you can either, not take a risk and be cautious, but in turn will never gain any ground. or take the risk and possibly win. yeah you could get hurt, you might lose. but the key isn't to get down from the loss, it's to learn from that loss and grow. so next time you'll be more prepared. then get back on the horse you fell off of.  

  5. Hurt won't kill you, Trusting don't come easy but you will never know unless you try, so don't miss out for the fear of being hurt.. Its part of life and makes you stronger ..

  6. Yeah, that's why i've never opened up to anyone. Not properly.

    I'm my own worst enemy. I don't let anyone close, so i feel alone, but i daren't let anyone close for fear they might hurt me.

    I'm screwed.

  7. Its strange but some people you know by gut feeling you can trust them others you don't. Personally I think its something you learn partly from past experience. More recently what ive learnt to do is if I see warning signs that someone might not be very nice towards me I back off. Its best to back off early on and then you avoid getting hurt. Go with your gut feeling, if were talking relationships make a decision about whether you want to to get involved with someone before you get emotionally involved this will make it easier to think clearly. These are just from my own opinions and experience.

  8. Yes, but you have to let other people in, even if it means getting hurt. You can't experience anything good, without going through bad. They counteract each other. You know, like 'What goes up must come down'. It's all part of the learning curve.


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