
Did you ever get banned or muted on Runescape, what reason and for how long?

by  |  earlier

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I did.. Just today..

My brother had put some kind of password logger on my PC. So basically he got my password, signed in and did some spam thing about Zezima and used some 'bad' language.

He got me muted for a day.. >=(




  1. jhjjjkjkjju


  3. taylor stop bashing runescape just becouse you could not make it there !

    well if i was you i speak to your mom and tell her what he did there no reason why you should be punished for what he done ! also  when he sleeps tonight  fill a bowl with warm water put his hand in it and he have lovly wet dreams lol   none said you was ten  in fact age not been  spoke on  i still make my brother pay for what he done  but wulfy always been wicked lol

  4. i got muted for ever i can only quick chat because my friend when on my account when he was mad at me and was cursing the hole time

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