
Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class?

by  |  earlier

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  1. About a million times darling. lol

  2. Ya, I did. I would always flirt with this one guy who sat next to me...he was just gorgeous. And my teacher would always have to come over to me and tell me to stop. Haha....I'm a big flirt, what can I say? lol  : )

  3. depends on the teacher

  4. no, i usually don't talk much in class, and when i do, the teacher never cares, im in high school, and the teachers don't care if you pay attention, or sleep, or text, or whatever. They only care when the pricipals around, though.

  5. haha what kind of question is that? lol, every day

  6. yep

    and I don't even talk that much!

  7. lols i did all the time.

  8. i was such a good girl in school that i make my friends sick and they always take the p*ss out of me.x.

  9. Haha I always get in trouble for talking in class! It's not that big of a deal esp if the teacher likes you! Most of my teachers don't care if you don't pay attention just if I get extra chatty they might warn me about disrupting others.

  10. do you get in trouble a lot? i think most people do unless they're very obedient

  11. I was the "getting in trouble for passing notes and then laughing out loud because of what the note said" type. I passed notes so much I even had a designated note-passing notebook for 3 of my friends. We wouldn't pass notes, we'd pass the entire notebook. If we had separate classes, one of us would take the notebook and write in it the entire period, then during break give it to the next person to write in during their next class. Fun times. Very lucky our notebooks were never lost, otherwise we'd have a lot of explaining to do for the things we wrote in there, lol

  12. not really

    but it

    depends on the teacher

    usually the teacher won't

    send u to the office

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