
Did you ever have a dream that felt so real? Like It actually happened?

by Guest59126  |  earlier

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Yesterday, I woke up from the most amazing dream ever.

Me and this guy I like, kissed! It was so livid, like I actually felt him... Like his lips were on mine and I could feel his breath on me. (I know, it sounds pretty wierd. Haha!) But, all my feelings and actions were felt like they were really happening... I started waking up but I tried to stay asleep. I tried to close my eyes and keep thinking so the dream could stay with me, but the it kept fading away.

I can't stop thinking about it. Now, everynight I try to have the same dream but It doesnt come back. I guess that goes to show that a good moment doesnt last.

Has anyone ever had a dream that felt so real that you question yourself about it?




  1. maybe it will happen in the future. ive had dreams about meeting people ive never known, and then months later i meet them...weird.

  2. OMG,!

    lana the same thing happened to me,!

    i didnt want to wakeup but i did

    and now it wont come back

    i think they come back when you least expect it


    did yu know the guy ?

    cause' in mine. i never do, like i cant see his face clearly. i think its someone i know, but i just dont know

    ugghsz, it gets frustrating.


    love yaa' sisturr.


    once i had a dream that i was at school and i put this important folder in my desk. and then when i woke up and went to school, i couldnt tell if it was a dream or not. and i had to make sure the folder wasnt in the desk

    gosh, dreams are wierd.


    and maybe yu shouldnt have told your dream.

    lmao, cause a dream is a wish your heart makes. and if you tell it. it wont come true,lolsz.

    but idk. i hope it does.

    maybe you were gonna double date with me and some guy.aha.

  3. I've had dreams that felt so real I wondered if I wasn't doing a bit of astral travel in my sleep. Maybe you should ask him if he had the same dream. Maybe your spirits made out while your bodies slept. Maybe that's why you can't repeat it at least until he does too. lol. Seriously I have had a few that were prophetic. Dreams are funny that way.

  4. Yeah except mine was nightmare more of people were after me and then I woke but apperantly I was still dreaming because a creepy hot guy was standing over and then I woke up for reall it was horrible

  5. Yes, you were in an asleep/awake dream that you can repeat if you learn how to have lucid dreams. Go to    and learn how to get your dream to repeat and be very realistic.  Practice makes perfect!!

  6. I used to have dreams of flying and falling...felt pretty real!!!

  7. Omgooseeggs I did! Right after I watched the Labrynth with David Bowie I had a 3-night dream that I married a goblin king and we had all these challenges to get through and we fell madly in love. That was 6 years ago and I still remember every detail!! I'm still trying to have it again. And I think about it frequently too. Not as much as I did at first, but still. And I had another one that was a bit more realistic about this guy I liked. I've nbk but in that dream we kissed and then some and I was questioning reality for a few weeks afterward!

  8. Haha! yeah...kind of like yours too! Except with a girl and it had more of a story behind it...I was Superman and I was trying to save all these people but then my powers got sucked out and I was thrown into a building!!!! I barely lived and then these girls grabbed me and started kissing me and I was really freaked out, cause when I woke up my head hurt and there was lipstick on my head...SCARY HUH? I think my mom kissed me goodnight or something weird like that...

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