
Did you ever have a fight at school?

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An did you win? I did.He started it and i won,whos the daddy, eh?




  1. Not really. Pushed her down the stairs at the onset, so there wasn't any fighting back on her part. Guess I won. Got in trouble for it.

    Yes, I'm a female.

  2. lol

    a few at school

    outside school lost count

    older girls than i cos i was big they picked on me

    i would say it was usually a tie

    had a fight in a hotel whilst away with my parents on holiday

    was losing until my sis kicked her in the f***y really hard hehehe

    best fight was on a school trip in the dormatry with a girl who thought she was the hardest at school

    i kicked her *** rolling all over the beds hehehe

  3. I wouldn't call it a fight- I ended it with one punch.  The only reason I did it was because some jerk was pushing a friend around.  Does that count?  I try to avoid fights- they are terribly helpful.

  4. yeah but i fight for mma so I put his butt in a guillotine  when he got mad and tackled me to the ground

  5. What has this got to with martial arts? Why are you talking about school fights on the Internet what are you the village idiot.

  6. what you got his gf pregnant!!!

  7. no, i never got in a fight at school...mostly because i was actually trying to learn and do well.  i'd rather end up with a career later that doesn't involve flipping burgers or cleaning toilets...

  8. yes but after a while people stopped messin with me cause i messed this one kid up for talkin shite

  9. yes

  10. na i was a good girl. I remember though when there was a fight it used to be like a stampeed through the school which you got swept up in and carried to the fight! so funny.

  11. Nope... I tried to stay classy.....

  12. loads! yes i did and im the daddy!

  13. i never had a fight at school

    &+* i starting high school

    i'm so innocent lols

  14. I got into over 30 fights from grammar school to h.s.. And I NEVEr lost...And its funny but I never started none of them! Just because I was a quiet kid I attracted stupid idiots wanting to fight me.. But in the end they got what was coming to them.. Oh and nobody knew but I studied karate, and boxing as a kid.

  15. aren't you big n clever.

    WOW had a fight at school - so what, if you have left school and are still talking about it then the grand life that you have told lauren about isn't so grand really is it?

  16. Yeah several, never instigated any... just had one of those faces, other kids would be kids. Won some, lost others. The worst 2 fights I recall are ones which actually involved girls. I got slapped up by two tough nut girls & couldn’t do anything back for obvious reasons… I got beaten up by girls, I am so not the daddy :-(


  17. I had 1 fight in school, a girl had been taking the p**s out of me and a couple of other friends one day when she was with her mates and the next day she was on her own so I just kept saying omg are you not gonna say anything now? hmmmm?? HMMMM? lol anyway then the bus rolled up and she poured her cherryade all over me then started walking towards the bus! So I marched after her gave her a smack and it started from there lol, and yes I did win but was the typical girl hair pulling that did it haha, AND she was older! that is the only reason I sound proud lol

  18. nope but iwas supper close to one but fights are just a waste of effing you only fight if someone is really  going  to hurt you then you do what you gotta do if you wanna fight then go into a boxing league or something

  19. Nope.

  20. A few times.

  21. I remember my first fight. Walking home with a bunch of boys from school. This boy was flicking his fingers in my face and eventually I lost it. It was h**l of a fight!

    Later his parents got in touch with mine and my father marched me round to the boys house. We apologised to each other and have been life long friends for over 50 years now.

    I did win the fight that day - but he grew up to be a lot bigger and tougher than me. He often banters with me about whether we should have a re-match!


  22. yes, and i did win.  he started it.  first and only fight.  dude pissed me off.  I think he's sterile now...

  23. Most of my high school days i went to the office for fighting...sometimes i loss and win...but important is i never run for a fight....:P

  24. grow up little boy.

  25. Of course, I bet we all have! Mine was with an ex friend who suddenly got too big for her boots because she was going out with one of the most popular lads in the class. He dumped her and then spent days chasing me (I don't do left overs!) so wasn't interested, however instead of her seeing what a creep he was she blamed me and used to yell obsenities across the room to me, one day I snapped, grabbed hold of her hair yanked her head down to the floor and refused to let go - she screamed the school down, it took ages for a Teacher to persuade me to let go. Her Mum escorted her to school for a few days after. Stupid Girl should have kept her mouth shut. Best thing was I saw her a few years later in the GP's with baby in tow, she had the nerve to say Hello.

  26. Never- there were times when idiots tried to start a fight over nothing but i used my brain to win anyway.

    Walked away unharmed and the winner because they never started anything again.

    I'm a lover, not a fighter :)

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