
Did you ever have a really freaky experience?

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Okay, this might sound kind of weird, but it really was the way I tell it. About a year ago, I remember having been home alone one evening. My parents and siblings had all gone away. Nothing special to me, since I'm 20 and don't have problems with stuff like this at all. But that one evening I remember to have been just very freaky. I was cooking my dinner, when suddenly, I heard something. I wasn't sure what it was, so I went to the living room. But there was nothing. So I go back into the kitchen and continue cooking. Suddenly, I really felt like someone or something would be standing directly behind me. I turned around quickly, but there wasn't anything. As I turn back, I feel it again. So I turn one other time and I'm really, really not joking, I feel like I saw some shadow hiding behind the corner to the living room. Actually, I'm a very rational person, but this had been a very freaky experience. Did you ever experience something similar??




  1. I've always been told that when people experience this feeling of being watched, it's either a spirit or its just plain paranoia. Personally, I don't think you're paranoid, there could possibly be  a spirit trying to get your attention. If you don't believe in this stuff then I don't know what else to tell you. If you're open to this kind of phenomena then I suggest going outside of your comfort zone and look up books that might explain on what you're experiencing, possibly books on the paranormal. You said this experience happened a year ago and it's still on your mind. I would definitely go to the library or go to a book store and do some research!

  2. I have had experiences similar to that many times. Sometimes, there is a strong energy that is present, and it's hard NOT to feel it, AND see it!  Even if a person does not believe in that type of thing, it's hard sometimes to ignore it!

    I know a lot people who have had really weird stuff like that happen to them.

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