
Did you ever have a teacher who picked on you?

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My Spanish teacher picked on me.Lol





  1. my maths teacher but i got back at her and embarrassed her in front of the whole class now she treats me with respect ( what i should of got in the 1st place ) just fingers cross i aint  got the cow next year  

  2. Well yea yes if the teacher thnx u r poor in her subject she would pick on u!

  3. yeah - i think everyone did at some point. Well - if you werent the pefect student anyway lol!  

  4. Yup, I'm 50 years old and I'll remember my 10th grade English teacher forever....LOL!!

  5. ha!  i was a spanish teacher..and it was horrible.  some kids would joke around too much and then when i'd put them in their place, their parents would cry to the principal that i picked on them too much!  

  6. Yep-my music teacher. He just took a dislike to me and i never knew why.

    During an instrument lesson the bell for lunch went, I went to pack up as my lesson had ended and he said I couldnt go till I had done more scales and then he said i was "****"! So I stormed out the room and told my head of year.

    Later in the month I was in a group lesson and he stepped out the room-i went to piano to grab another blank score sheet-he came in room adn shouted at me-i was standing next to his diary and he accused me of reading his private book and sent me out the room! I never even noticed the thing was there.

    I complained again-few weeks later he left to teach at another school much to my relief--but i stopped enjoying music after that!

  7. Yes, and my friends and I picked on him in return. He couldn't keep himself out of any school he tried.

  8. Yeah French

    Name && Shame


  9. Yes..

    PE teacher

  10. No, not really.  They were all very tuned into passing on learning, I remember - and will forever who taught me classical music when I was into 'Pink Floyd' so now I like both.

  11. I use to get along with my teachers babe!

  12. Of Course. Be worried if you DIDN'T have a teacher that picked on you *in a good way*. My history teacher was the best, but yes, he did pick on me and my side kick

  13. I was in the toilet tryin to light my cig ..all i hear behind me is master mcdermott is tryna light himself on fire! lol tat teacher picked on me alot tat year .. he told my friends i was so cool he was afraid id freeze lol what a legend  

  14. yea- but all in good fun, we picked on him back

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