
Did you ever have some words seem to "jump off the page" or seem "highlighted"?

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Do you know what this is called?




  1. Yes. This means that you have a spiritual guide who is watching over you. The highlighted words are the messages you are to be receiving and learn. Follow them.

  2. Yes words seem high lighted, so you take notice of them, or like a song that is playing, when all of a sudden, The words will sound of a different tone. This is spiritual guidance....

    This is when i first started noticing numbers from the beginning, and they would take on a certain glow about them, so i would take notice.. When i started putting everything together, all these signs, gave me answers, and they all led somewhere.. Also with words taking on a high light about them.. Trust in this, when it happens.....

  3. It's called "bibliomancy" or "libromancy" or "stichomancy" it's a form of divination.

    I saw that in a movie "Lady in the Water" The kid was able to read clues in the cereal boxes.

  4. Sight Words.

  5. I was reading a book last night,and I noticed that this was happening.

    I knew that it was a spiritual experience,and knew that it was not because of me,but guidance to a certain degree.

    I hope this helps.

  6. Yes. Many years ago I was reading a novel and on these two pages about a quarter of all the words, on the two pages seemed to get bigger slightly and were raised a bit with a pure white background. I thought it was just my eyes playing tricks!

    Not so sure now.

  7. No and yes.

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