
Did you ever have this kind of story?

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I don't know if that's the best title for this question, but my question is. Did the hard workers in your school, the people who always tried their hardest, did extra classes, were intelligent and everything like that, end up in a not so good paying job. Where as some of the norty ones, people who didn't revise or care, end up in quite rich jobs?




  1. norty??? surely you mean naughty.

  2. Not really. The closest I can come to that is a close friend from the VI form, who actually failed most of his A levels. This meant that whilst the rest of us got places at University, he had to go to the local technical college and take an HND instead. But he took computer science, just when that was becoming one of the most desirable skills, and he got a good job with rapid promotion, and ended up as a director earning far more than most of us graduates. But he deserved it, he worked very hard.

  3. Yes, I was a teenage rebal who never went to school, and ot pregant at 16.

    Then I bucked my ideas up and went to Uni and am now in a very good job in the city.

    When I meet old school friends the ones who worked really hard are socially inept and find it hard to adjust to the real world of work.

  4. i have always said that education and intelligence are not the same thing.

    a monkey can learn how to do things

    clever people are not always the best educated and some people are able to spot a chance when it arrives, whilst others are not.

    in adult life, you have to make things happen and create your own openings.

    Working hard at school is always a good thing and will give you the beginning that you need but once you step out into the real world, you need to push the boundaries and make things happen.

    the 'jack the lad' that you knew at school(there was always one), is still going to have the same personality when he leaves so, he is usually the one that is able to place himself in a position of good fortune. The not so brash type, that gets his head down and works hard, passes all of his exams and is educated and sensible, will naturally not take chances.

    they are simple reasons if you look at it from a sensible perspective.

    keep trying, you will get there in the end!

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