
Did you ever hear of some people in Texas called or referred to as..?

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Redbones, is that a Family name or bloodline, like Indian or Mexican mix?? IF its offensive I am sorry, I am trying to find out, my father told me we were related to some people and they were called redbones. Dont know what that means and he didnt know much either, it goes back to the 1800's right before the mexican war. I had a cousin who left Louisiana and settled in Texas and became good friends with some mexicans and he even fought in the battle at the Alamo . And not sure if he or some of his decendants mixed with Indian or mexican or something. Just wondering if you knew anthing about the name redbones?? Thanks





  2. In certain parts of Louisiana, there are people called redbones meaning they are a mixture of black and white.  Starks, La is called a redbone town and either DeQuincy or DeRidder, not sure which.  Don't know if these labels are accurate but this is how people describe them. Don't know how they came up with the name redbone.

    I live in Southeast Texas.

  3. It may indicate people who are racially mixed.

  4. never heard of that heard of redfern that is indian. not sure.

  5. Hello,

    The Redbones lived in what was called the no-mans land.  An area on the Sabine river that is now Sabine County Texas. There are some books about the redbones in the Hemphill,TX library,  The French also called them the "Melangeons" which in French means mixing.

    Hope this helps

    Henri Trabuc

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