
Did you ever hear parents brag how smart their kids are?

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do you wonder how these smart kids turn out so ignorant?




  1. Yes.

    There's a reason for parents to be proud of their children.

    Being proud of them is much different from bragging.

  2. yeah a lot of times when i was in elementary school most of my classmate were. I even remember that every time that our grades are release most of them will rush to the principals office and scolded the teachers that their kid are smarter than the rest. and most of them ended up a bum. And I'm laughing at hem HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

    It's ok to be proud and say my kid is dong fine but when you say my kid is better than the rest is a different thing.


  3. Loads!! Sometimes they are...My eldest was a bit ahead on a few things, like walking and stuff, I don't brag though. I know someone who does - the phrase being "he's well advanced for his age" and he's really really not!!  

  4. HA HA, but mine is really smart...Except when he disagrees with me <Grin>   Thanks for giving me a chuckle!!!

  5. At most 60% of them in this country because this nations has 40%  of high school dropout rate and our Uncle Sam's US Army has 30% who never graduated from high school.

  6. How do you know they turned out ignorant or are you talking from experience of yourself.

  7. yes have i told you about my kids?LOL

    they are very smart and the best kids around..did i mention gifted classes also?they know their manners.

    I guess all that sitting with their nose against the wall did some good huh?scrooge come on..dont you have some kids to brag about to?

  8. yeah.. though mainly when the kids are pig UGGGGLEEEEE  

  9. Yes. I know someone like that. I wouldn't mind if the kid was as smart as she thinks.  

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