
Did you ever name any of your guns?

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What make and model? What name? Why?




  1. Not I but my friends did.  I would shoot a Glock Model 20 10mm at the police range during handgun qualifications.  An officer friend of mine to my right kept getting hit by my hot brass.  He commented:  "Like Pamela __________ (a certain attractive well-known blonde silver & golden screen star) that Glock is big and ALL plastic!"  AND so my fellow officers started referring to my 10mm as Pamela.  Later, when I purchased my Glock Model 31 .357 Sig some of the guys started calling it "Pamela's little sister:  Sabrina (after a lovely, well-endowed and all natural lady friend).


  2. Never have named a gun.. but I did name a dead cat after one of my pistols.

    My wife had been feeding a feral cat late at night for weeks without me knowing.. I walk out the door one night and the thing climbs my leg and covers me with claw holes before I could sling him off. Oddly enough.. when I came back out with my Tanfoglio 9mm the d**n thing did it again before I had time to do anything.. eventually I got him. My wife was all upset so I buried the cat and named it tanfoglio.. kind of respected that insane feral cat if for nothing more than it having balls.

    Two years later.. there is still the name "tanfoglio" carved into the oak tree were I buried that insane cat.  

  3. Yes, of course, Naming them is easier than going through the whole Make, model etc.

    Buying ammo is much easier, Just walk into the store say, " Thumper needs feed"

  4. All of mine have names, and the rifles I've owned for a while have nameplates in my gun cabinet. Some are more original than others.

    My 1911 is Dixie, my SW M&Pc (carry gun) is Sam (after Sam Houston).

    Some of my other favorites:

    Swiss K31: Neutralizer ('cause Switzerland was neutral)

    German K98k: Hilda (after Colonel Klink's secretary on Hogan's Heroes)

    Russian 91/30: Svetlana ('cause I knew a beautiful Russian girl...)

    Remington 700: First Manassas  (after the battle).

    I forget some of them, and would have to go upstairs to check. Naming them is just a way of showing affection for my collection, I don't take it that seriously.

  5. No !

  6. Colt New Frontier .22, w/ mag cylinder and s/l/lr cylinder.

    Has earned its name as "the noisy cricket"(stolen from Men In Black, the movie).  This sucker is LOUD.  I can attribute the greatest part of my hearing loss to this gun, and the fact I was dumb enough not to start using hearing protection at a younger age!

    My Glock 20 10mm, was deemed as the "b*****d" by a local sheriffs deputy while at the gunshow.  He chose the name, he said, because not many people were satisfied by the 10mm, especially the Glock 20.  I simply invited him to the range, and encouraged him to bring whatever pistol he was best with, so he could see the little "b*****d" perform.  My invitation pretty much ended the conversation!

    I also refer to my .41 Mag Blackhawk as my "new deer rifle", and my Remington 7mm mag. as the "big bang stick"

  7. No, but my dad named his .30-30 Hoover, because our hunting that year SUCKED. Get it? Hoover is a vacuum brand...

  8. yeah , i call me Sig-Pro 2340 ..siggy. stroking it , caressing it , giving it a good scrub down after target practice. getting high on the.. hops...dang-it ..forgot to open that window again...oh, sorry got off track. yeah , and my remington 11-48 28 guage....remmie .  

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