
Did you ever notice that a lot of adult childen are still living with their parents?

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Yes, I'm speaking from experience here, but it seems to be alot of people I know, or just people I have run across while shopping etc. My sisters all have adult children some in their 30's that have never moved out. I have 1 still here and the other has moved out..but we are still helping that one out of financial situations on a regular basis. Do we just treat them too well..I say as I fold my sons laundry and put it in the order it will be put away. They don't do much to help around the house either. I just mean mine specifically, but the just from the ppl I have spoke to He pays board..not alot but he pays what we asked for ..I wish I could live somewhere that cheap.




  1. Just when you think they are going to leave the nest.. they deceide that its easier to still live at home and let mom and dad pay the way for them and they don't have to pay rent, phone, electricity, grocery, laundry..hey mom can do it.. I know from personal experience.. my adult children have moved out and just recently  my adult son has moved back in with me.. first time in about 6 years..  however he has changed his ways.. and i do see a different person. previously we had problems.. he is going to school and gets odd jobs so.. i'm still doing laundry, paying most of the bills.  he does do some things.. mow the yard.. take out the trash.. and when he works he contributes.. so i guess they go away but they do come back.. all i know is that I pray a lot and if things get ugly >> i will  have no problem with telling him he has to find another place to live.. that much i do know.. helping our our adult children is not easy or always the way we want it. but they are always are children. that never changes.. they only get bigger..  i expect respect. usually get it.. i'm capable of letting him know when things start to get out of order or not to the rules of my home.. he usually is compllient. he is trying.. my love for him is more valuable to me than the dollar.. one day i pray her will be self sufficient and move out on his own. to be honest. i don't see it any time soon.. in the mean time.. we will continue to be family.. i'm always the mom. he is always the son. the way it is meant to be..  

  2. Children are leaving the home later now because people are waiting longer to get married. Adolescence now last longer and longer, but I think I would stop doing your son's laundry. Your not doing him or his future wife any favors by doing that.

  3. I sayed at home til I was 22....and it was awesome because I had money....but sucked b/c I followed rules designed for 15 year olds. even trade though

  4. The economy is so screwed up now, it's really all about survival.  Who can afford to live alone anymore?

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