
Did you ever ...?

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... lie for fun ..




  1. NO!!


    2alek :D...that's a lie right there :)

  2. for fun yeah...but of course without hurting anybody, and for a fun that will last for only some minutes, no more !!

    also, i'm not good at all at lying :D

    so, i'm not always playing a role in such games...just watching ;))

  3. yes

  4. someee times i TRY to lie for fun to joke around but certain people start to make me laughhhhhh

    so i suck at lieing

  5. sometimes I lie but not all the time...

    how about you?

  6. Well, I did it before (although I'm a horrible liar).

    I lied to my colleagues at work and told them I know how to read the coffee cup. As I knew something about one of my colleagues (and he didn't know that I knew these stuff) I held the cup and said these stuff, of course they believed I can read it. I actually made the other one drink coffee although he hates it so much, he almost got sick but he really wanted me to read it for him. When I saw he was suffering drinking it and his stomach got sick, I told him "I'm sorry I lied, I don't read the coffee cup, I just wanted to trick you" and I ran out of the office before he kills me.

    I admit, it was so mean to do so.

  7. that's what i do every first of April.

    Pullin a joke on someone is funny as long as it doesnt hurt

  8. Hmm... yes, but the innocent ones and rarely : )

    We should try to avoid even the innocent ones for fun as that's how one gets use to it. And then at the end of day people start taking you lightly even for serious things.

    I hope you remember the story of the Shepperd and Wolves : )

  9. no .

    liars go to h**l , i want to go to heaven !

  10. yes!! :) i can do everything just for fun :D

  11. YO sup redrose/ghazal

    yeah infact alot, but well nobody gets hurt its all fun and games im  all about fun baby!@

    arite yall peace out!@
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