
Did you ever ride on a swing made of tyre, suspended with ropes from a branch in a tree?

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Did you ever ride on a swing made of tyre, suspended with ropes from a branch in a tree?




  1. Yes, I also did. And my children also had one.

  2. Yes, I was one of the cheapest and quickest way to have a swing.....

  3. Yes, I think the majority of us South Africans would have at some time had a tyre swing in our childhood, that's actually the only type of swing my brother and I had as children.

  4. Yes.  At a friend's cottage in the country a long long time ago.

  5. Lol Honey when I grew up on the farm it was magic,I loved every moment of it!!!!xxxxx

  6. Ja, I had one of those in the garden, then Pa got a larnie flashy new double swing, all steel and white and red, funny thing is, is that he got in his moer cos all of us kleintjies insisted on playing on the old tyre swing and did not use the flashy new one!!!!!!!

  7. I have one in my back yard hanging from the oak tree for the kids

  8. Yes Cherie was that not fun! Wish I can do it again, but if I try now I am sure I will break something or scrape all the skin off my knees or nose......... or put my back out so that it takes 2 or 3 sessions at the chiropractor............that is if I can fit into a car tyre, think a truck tyre might do the trick.......

  9. Yes. If we had a good sized tree in our yard, there was always a rope swing or a tire swing.

  10. Yeah Cheri, growing up in a coloured area the "parkie" swing was always broken or something. That was the next alternative.

    Those were the days. . .

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