
Did you ever take the government timed clerk-typist test?

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How did you do? I could do o.k. if it hadn't been timed. Got so nervous that I couldn't keep my fingers on the right keys.




  1. I think she might type great but she don't read great?cj

  2. Yes.  A million times! (or it seemed like it).  I could always pass the written but I could not for the life of me pass the typing.  Like  you the stress of being timed and not having my fingers correctly on the keyboard, I kept failing.  Too many errors. I finally took a night course in refresher typing and at the end of the course, they gave 3 typing test.  If you passed, you will have civil service status.  I finally passed!!!!!  Such was the beginning of my government career.

  3. I did take that typing test in order to quality for a state government job in the good old USA.  I barely did 50 wpm and my usual typing speed is 70+.  Think I was too nervous also.  I think the minimum typing speed is 40 wpm so you should be fine.  If I remember correctly the written test on general clerical/office work knowledge counted a lot more than the typing speed.  Good luck on your job quest.

  4. Which Govt?   I never took a typing test in my life and yet have had a couple of positions where it was required!    I do not think that such a test exists in the USA - but I have been known to be wrong before!

    Interesting - what Govt. only requires someone to type 40 wpm - that seems a little slack to me.  I personally taught myself to type using Qwerty - and can type at twice that speed!   But can you make any money at it?    Good question and interesting.               CJ

  5. Sure did!  I was a nervous wreck, but I got a job.  Here it is, 32 years later and I'm 25 weeks from retirement. Yea, me!

  6. I took a test in 1969 on a manual typewriter.  I did somewhere around 85-90 wpm.  I took it again the next day on an electric & only scored 65.    Either way, I was a miserable typist compared to the others in the class who were zipping past me at 110 wpm, with no mistakes.

    To this day, I still have problems when it comes to the numbers & characters.  I'm really good at the left hand to right hand keyboard memorization & split.  

    In the "old days" we had the copy page clipped or propped up on a book caddy & when the oscillating fan would blow in your direction, the paper would always end up on the floor!...what fun that was when you were in the middle of a typing test...ENJOY!

    I didn't touch a keyboard again until 2005, when I learned how to use the internet!

  7. I did take the test right out of high school.  I was offered a job in Washington, took the physical and got finger printed and then I met the man I was married to for 25 years and didn't take the job.

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