
Did you ever think this would take this long?

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I have always wanted to be a mom. My dreams were to get married to my wonderful husband (did that and love him very much), and to be a mommy. I've always known this for the longest time! Well I guess I hadn't thought it would be this hard to conceive, but in a weird way I did. Like I had this thought in the back of my head that it would take me a while to conceive, but I just kept shoving that thought outta my head because I didn't want to believe it. That was WAY before my husband and I ever ttc. I had no real basis to think that way either, and was probably just being paranoid cuz it's one of my biggest dreams. Well now flash forward to this year when it just wasn't happening and getting diagnosed with pcos. I'm at least glad to know what's wrong so it can be helped, but I guess my question is: Did you ever think it would take this long? Or did you ever have the feeling before you started ttc that it was gonna take a while? Thank you for all your answers! Good Luck ttc and baby dust to all those ttc! :o)




  1. I always thought it would take awhile for me. I'm just complicated like that. Nothing ever comes easy for me and my hubby! It was a longer process to decided to start TTC. We are planners and analyzers to the extreme. We have learned there is never the perfect time for a baby, as it's always in Gods hands.

    It's been a hard process, I believe the women in this process have the hardest time. The emotional and mental anguish of this all is so so heartbreaking. I have very close friend who got pregnant on accident. She didn't want the baby, and dealt with alot of post-partum depression from it. Now she doesn't want anything to do with the child. She doesn't take care of him and even has anger for him. My other friend keeps telling me that my husband and I are crazy for TTC. She thinks we haven't lived enough or enjoyed married life long enough.

    It's hard for me because i only have the support of my husband. I have only two close friends and that's all. And neither of them support this because they are at different points in their lives.

    All I can say! It's always in Gods hands. So i'll continue to pray! and pray and pray some more. He hears my prayers! and knows my heart! It will happen when he wants it to happen. There nothing wrong with any of us, because he's made us. I'm just trusting in him.

    God bless!  

  2. I knew there was a chance it might be difficult for me because my mother had endometriosis and I knew I could get it.  I had all the symmptoms but just wasn't ready to start ttc.  I was in university when I met my DH and we didn't think we were ready...When I finally went to the doc in March he told me I probably had endo and that I should start trying right away he also found that I have a 7cm cyst on my left ovary that isn't going baby- luck yet (AF is due tomorrow and I'm not feeling to positive that she won't)...

    There is no guarantee it would have made a difference but can't help but wonder if I'd not wasted so much time avoiding pregancy if I'd have a child now :(

  3. For no real reason, i've always thought i would either have troubling conceiving or not be able to at all.  We've been trying for a few months now and no luck yet (and it seems that literally every woman i know has become pg in the last few months, including my 2 best friends).  It's so frustrating and now i'm concerned because i'm wondering why i always had it in my head that i wouldn't be able to...

  4. I didn't think it would take long at all, I actually thought it would happen right away which makes it even more unbearable. In my first marriage the first month we tried we got pregnant with both our boy's who are now 8 and 10 so yes I know I am already blessed. But now in my new marriage we are going on 5 months. We are both fertile and healthy and have been baby dancing exactly when we are supposed to and it just hasn't happened. It seems like the harder us woman try, the more it is delayed. I think when we put so much stress on ourselves to conceive it messes with are hormones and makes it harder. I have heard lot's of stories on here from woman saying that once they decided to just relax and quit trying so hard, it happened right away.

  5. It's such a crazy experience! I, like you, always had this vision that it would take me longer or be more work for me to get pregnant.  I started taking bc at 18 and prior to that, I was very irregular with my cycles.  So being on bc for so many years, it really put it on the back burner and I wasn't even close to being at that point my life.  But once we decided that we would want to start trying in the near future, I immediately set up an appt with my gyno to go over my concerns.  After she did a few tests and what not, I was diagnosed with PCOS.  We weren't ready to start ttc at that exact time but in the near future...I just had a feeling something was wrong and wanted to tackle that as soon as I could.  So she went over the steps I would need to go through in order to conceive and when I was ready, I could call her and get a prescription for either the Provera (if I hadn't got my period) or for the Clomid.  Never in a million years, even having a feeling that something was wrong, did I think it would be such a process.  I actually fell preg my first cycle but miscarried.  I'm awaiting my period now so I can being my next cycle (its been 11wks since my d&c).  So, I do know what you feel like in a way.  I wish you all the baby dust!!!  

  6. Well when we decided to start "not preventing" the first, as my husband likes to call it, I KNEW it would take awhile.  I had been on the pill for 15 years so I was expecting at least a year, to my surprise it only took 6 months and we weren't "actively" trying.... no charting, no opk's, no hpt's every month and I didn't FULLY understand how small the window is for conception and all the particulars.  The second time, I expected it to be much quicker.  I was back on the pill for about 5 months so I really didn't think it would take more than 3 months.  Well the second pregnancy didn't happen for 10 months, and even at that, I lost the baby at 8 weeks.  So here we are, on cycle #5 after the miscarriage VERY actively trying to no avail.  I thought it would happen alot quicker, but no so.  This month I am not charting, not doing opk's, not buying any hpt's and I will be away from hubby for 5 days, returning home the day prior to expected ovulation so I'm really hoping the relaxed approach and timing will be in our favor this month.  We have no "issues", it just hasn't been our time.  Lots of baby dust to you and all others TTC!!

  7. i think i knew it but didn't want to believe it so when it happened i wasn't shocked. So right now all i can do is just enjoy trying. Even though it really sucks at this point. I wasn't told that anything was wrong. Except when i went for my hsg and the doctor said he saw a pouch. What the F*** does that mean. He never said there was a blockage. or that sperm or the egg won't flow through all he said what that there was a pouch but the liquid was going though nicely. So at this point i'm taking Geritol tonic and pretty much standing on my head after s*x. But to be honest at this point i am just completely discouraged and im losing hope.:(

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