
Did you ever think you'd see the day when we'd be Top Contributors?

by  |  earlier

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Has the world gone mad or what?

We're havin a party to celebrate tonight so everyone's invited to Ballydung Manor (especially the ladies).

We're hoping that the Seoige sisters will turn up. We've got those pineapple things on a toothpick just for them.

Sher we've never been tops at anything before........




  1. Who did you slip the brown envelope to?

  2. awh yeahhh well done!!!!! hey will ye invite darcy to? im sure hel bring some of the roses for ye to!!! hheheheh i got my badge tooo yday!!!

  3. Sure ye've plenty of money lads to give the yahoo boys a backhander!

  4. Congrats. Never thought I would see the TV duo top of something. lol  

  5. never on top??? not even in the missionary??

  6. Podge and Rodge, sher yous are only mighty men.  Good on yous lads!

  7. To be honest, I never know if it's based on the questions you ask, or the answers you give. I've answered loads, but never asked any, so maybe I don't qualify.

  8. I got my TC badge today!!

  9. Top contributor on what!? LOL  Congratulations, good to see no one is taking this site too seriously.

  10. yere more bottom men, aren't ye..

  11. Well hello boys, welcome to the club!

    Just remember, I'm on top too and that's how I like it. I'll give ye a go if ye're good.

  12. HEY CAN I COME? I just got mine today!

  13. Ah Feck.. i wanna be a top contributor 2

  14. bejaysus no

  15. heh, never thought id see the day that I would be!

    i got my TC badge today! woooo hoooo!!

  16. I believe a stern letter to the Times is in order.....


    I draw to your attention the current deplorable state of the nation's culture - to wit, Podge and Rodge, having recently attained notoriety amongst a clique of fellow ne'er-do-wells, now see fit to flaunt their success wantonly and in a most unseemly manner.

    Bring back national service, I say. Show these popinjays a thing or two, what! I did not die several times

    in the Great War to suffer such indignities....


    Colonel Sir Tristram Upstanding-Noble

  17. yeah

  18. good lads

  19. i think the world has indeed gone mad!

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