
Did you ever turn your alarm off i n your sleep? ?

by  |  earlier

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It happens to me all the time:-/




  1. yes move the alarm

  2. Yes.  I did it this morning.  Well I think I wake up for a second, then fall right back to sleep.  The first answer sounds good.  I think I'll try that.  

  3. I used to do it all the time.  I finally had to put the alarm clock on the other side of the room.

  4. All the time... then I wonder why I don't wake up on time, and blame the alarm clock.

  5. no i havent...but thats prettty darn neat...but it sucks at the same time coz then u dont wake get it cheched or move my alarm clock lol!

  6. Yeah pretty much every time I go out and have to get up like 2 hours later.

  7. You're probably not turning it off in your sleep but you probably are turning it off when you are really really tired and don't realize it, you'll go back to sleep after you turn it off and you won't wake up.

    This happens to me once and awhile, I've been late for work and all that good stuff.

    Try to go to bed earlier then there shouldn't be a problem.

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