
Did you ever want to pursue your acting career?

by  |  earlier

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many people think they can act

and want to pursue their acting career

but then don't. do you think you got

what it takes to pursue your acting

career and be a big star?




  1. i cant decide. i want to do movies and plays and do some lead roles, but i also dont want to be surrounded by paparazzi all the time if i get really famous, so i cant decided where i wanna go.

  2. Not all actors want to be big stars.  

    I wanted to be a working actor and set out to do so.  I succeeded.  I did so because I love acting I have NO desire to be famous.

  3. it's REALLY RARE to become famous, its like being struck by lighting. one in a billion actually make it. Alot of people underestimate how hard it is. It takes alot of work. But im pursuing by acting career and never giving up, that is if i really have that 'something special'

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