
Did you ever wonder where all these astrology haters come from?

by Guest65891  |  earlier

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I mean,someone asks a compatibility question,and then there is this guy/girl,that no one have ever seen before on this section saying that astrology is all fake,and the magazine horoscopes are fake too,and that it's always wrong.

I mean,how did they even GET to the Horoscopes section?wth?




  1. I agree! If you don't have any useful information or thoughts to share - move on to a category that better suits you....ughghg....sorry - not in the best mood today - just recieved a lowsy violation notice....ughhgh...annoying.... could always try to look at the bright side though and be thankful that no one is sending hate email! I have heard of this happening sometimes to some users....sad!

  2. Hi Eden

    You will always have haters because they know nothing on the subject. They are disatisfied, unhappy or have a chip on their shoulder or better still, they cannot understand or relate to this subject and give TD.

    edit Emmie, I agree with you 100%. They are probably the ones giving TD and think THEY are the only ones who know the subject and allowed to post or comment.

  3. I think we need a separate section for astrology haters  

  4. They fell out of the back of a truck in Alabama.

    Well, actually, I think those people that give random quick answers like that don't realise there is a whole section for horoscopes with a lot of believers in astrology that are going to be angry at the comment.

    I think when someone asks a question and it pops up on the recently asked questions page, they see it and answer it, not realising that there is a community of people who want real answers. You'll notice that these people usually answer very quickly after the question has been asked.

    The people that bother me are the people who harass this section, repeating the same idiotic comments over and over again.

  5. experience makes people either to believe or depends on ones luck.

  6. I hate that!  You'll ask a question, and some troll will be all "astrology is bs lol!!!11!!"  Like you said, why are they on this board if they don't believe in it?

    I mean, I don't believe in unicorns and you don't see ME on the unicorn board.

  7. Good questions,there will always be haters.Usually they have no type of talent.

  8. OMG! I wonder that all the time! It pisses me off. Honestly, listen to what yo mama used to tell you.. "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all!" Anyway, I don't get why they come to the Horoscopes section at all.  Haters should stay out!!


  9. Yeah I wonder about that too sometimes...I mean...are people that sad that they just come onto the horoscopes section just to say that its a load of rubbish? They make me fear for the human races future.*facepalm*

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