
Did you ever wondered if your parents ..?

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Did you ever wonder if your parents would be better off without you ?

I mean without to have to care and spend for a baby, a child then a teen and maybe an adult. Do you ever wonder if they're life would be easier ?




  1. Yes and actually I think it would have been better for them.

    I'm an only child, so I always figured that after they had me, they realized their mistake and didn't have more, haha.

    Now that I'm married, and they are 'empty nesters' - all they do is go out and travel and have a great time. If they hadn't had me, they probably could have been doing that their whole lives.

    But in the end, I have decided that I'd rather have a full house with a big family - like what my hubby's family has. It seems more enjoyable to me!

  2. Yes all the time

  3. Of course life would be easier! We don't have children because it's easy.

  4. There life would be easier, indeed, but it wouldn't be as fulfilling! Also, we are an investment. The more you put into your kid, the more you will get out. We are the ones who are willing to take care of them when they grow older, and all that other stuff. So really, no they wouldn't be better off.

  5. I made my parents' lives INTERESTING. My mother would live such a boring live (I'm 39) without me....

  6. life would be easier without us, but they love us with all thier hart,so if we love them  back its ok

  7. yes but they could care less about how life would be without you. all parents love having their kids no matter how difficult it can be

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