I'm 39w4d pregnant...
Ok- So last night I was laying in bed and the baby was very active, then I kept getting these like sharp pains in my pelvic area.."down there" it stopped after about 6 of these pains and then the baby wasn't moving as much, I have been having alot of pressure down there also, specially when im walking. I went to the doctors today and he said he can't feel the top of babys head anymore so the baby is farther down.
Does it sound like the baby has dropped? Did you feel anything different??
Also, I'm getting like these mild period cramps, it kind of feels like somebody is grabbing my uterus and squeezing it. It only last for about 5-10 seconds, are these just braxton hicks? My doctor doesn't check to see if im dilated any so I really do not know if I am.