
Did you feel anything different when your baby dropped?

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I'm 39w4d pregnant...

Ok- So last night I was laying in bed and the baby was very active, then I kept getting these like sharp pains in my pelvic area.."down there" it stopped after about 6 of these pains and then the baby wasn't moving as much, I have been having alot of pressure down there also, specially when im walking. I went to the doctors today and he said he can't feel the top of babys head anymore so the baby is farther down.

Does it sound like the baby has dropped? Did you feel anything different??

Also, I'm getting like these mild period cramps, it kind of feels like somebody is grabbing my uterus and squeezing it. It only last for about 5-10 seconds, are these just braxton hicks? My doctor doesn't check to see if im dilated any so I really do not know if I am.




  1. Sounds like Braxton Hicks, if the cramps go away after taking a warm bath, then they were braxton hicks, if not, then you should call the doc. as for the baby dropping, if you can breath better than u did before, then yes your baby dropped and is getting ready to come out! So good luck and hope all goes well!

  2. Oh yea sounds like baby has dropped and is getting ready to be born! How exciting!  I would definitely ask to be checked. and yes those tightening of the muscles are probably BH but I would make sure they aren't contractions. GL!

  3. You are probably having braxton hicks

    and it does sound like the baby dropped

    they move less and they seem to be sitting right on your pubic bone and bladder

    Good Luck!

  4. first it sounds like braxton hicks contractions...just pay attention to them and if they are consistant or not, cause you could be going into labor.

    when my son dropped, there was so much pressure down there that I felt like I was hold a watermelon in my pelvis! Sounds like you dropped as well, GOOD LUCK!

  5. you are at the end of the road hun....go into the hospital and tell them what the deal is. I would bet you are at least 3-4 cm dilated. And if not then at this point I am sure they would be more than happy to induce your labor....

  6. Sounds like your baby dropped. All of these pains are your body preparing for labor. When my baby dropped I felt like I could breathe a lot easier and  my heartburn wasn't as bad. I also had a lot of pressure very low and sometimes when I sat it felt like I was sitting on his head.

    Good luck and congratulations!

  7. yes the pain when you are walking is because the baby is low down and putting pressure on your pelvic area making it painful to walk. my second baby droped into position at about 27 weeks and i could only walk with a stick because of the pain at the tops of my legs, it felt like the tops of my legs were grinding in the socket. not long to go now get plenty of rest and good luck

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