
Did you feel it was wrong for the Bridgend suicides to be used in X factor?

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Well it seems it was a ploy ~ I must admit I found it in bad taste at the time.




  1. How was that wrong? It was perfectly fine. It was talking about how this girl is from Bridgend where there have been lots of teen suicides recently and so on. Nothing wrong with it at all.

  2. The X Factor always tries to make a story out of certain auditionees' backgrounds, this drew on a higher profile case, but I always think it's in bad taste when the piano music starts and they start talking about someone who's died. All in the name of entertainment.

  3. It's complete sensationalist bull. It's not as if she even knows any of those who committed suicide, just happened to live in the same TOWN as them!

    They seem to have the idea that anyone who succeeds on these shows should be shown as having some sort of tragedy in their lives, whether it's bullying or death or disease or something else.

    It was the same with Britain's Got Talent a little while back. Nobody can be allowed to have a normal life on these shows, it always has to be a cross between a Ken Loach movie and an episode of EastEnders.

    It's c**p. People who fall for this sentimental spooge are probably the same ones who wept buckets for Princess Di all those years ago, despite not actually caring much about her when she was alive.

  4. Yes I did.

    More trumped up personal tragedies.

    Somebody I know auditioned and passed throuigh the first round. He was immediately probed to see what his "sad story" could be. He is recently divorced and was involved in a famous national disaster. He refused to discuss either despite the insistence of the crew.

    Needless to say we won´t be seeing him on screen due to him refusing to exploit his own, or other people´s personal sadness.

  5. She is just as much at fault.  If it was so revolting, she could have refused, ie, walked out.  

  6. and by talking to the papers all she is doing is trying to gain more publicity for popularity

    I'd put a lot of money out it she's booted out in the next round

    If she wasn't, there would be no way she'd be slagging off the producers to the papers  

  7. Yes I did.  It's the same for all these shows though, they will focus on a sob story to get votes.  The girl was OK but she wasnt anything special, I don't see her making it through the boot camp stages

    The woman that Dame f***y is talking about really peed me right off.  She decided after having FOUR of her five children to change, and 3 of them were taken into care.  Why not after the first child?  This didnt make me feel sorry for, I just wondered why the h**l she kept popping them out if she was so unfit to look after them

  8. Not really. If that is how the girl tells people where she is from and what inspires her then thats fine.

    If I went on there , I'd say , "I'm from London and all the gun & knife DEATHS make me want to bring some happiness to my town"

    People often use the sympathy vote. George who won Britains got Talent - bad back bones.. The girl on X Factor who started having babies at 13 and has been to prison, she knew Simon would fall for that. He just loves a sad woman who he can mould and take all the credit for.

  9. Of course it was wrong; even if there had been a connection between the girl and these tragedies other than that she lives in Bridgend,it would be wrong. The producers seem not to realise that they are making a talent show.

  10. Really bad taste. Personally any contestant turning up with a snivelling sob story would get short shrift from me.

  11. It has the opposite effect on me that kind of stuff.

    I'm O.K watching the singing and making prawns of themselves but once the stories start getting peddled out, I start climbing the back of the sofa and watching through my fingers.

    EDIT-LOL @ RICH B ! What is 'spooge'? I'm nicking that word for future use......

  12. You would never win without a sob story.

  13. Yes I did think it a bit in bad taste, as far as I could tell she wasn't personally affected by what has gone on there other than coming from the same town. I'm not surprised the producers talked her into mentioning it, they love a good sob story. Look at that boy from Britain's Got Talent who came on saying he was bullied and from a rough area etc. It turned out his story was over-embellished too. The contestants should rely on their talent alone.

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