
Did you feel the earthquake in calif. 11.42am?

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Did you feel the earthquake in calif. 11.42am?




  1. Manchester England

    didn't feel a d**n thing

  2. You people are imagining things , there wasn't an earthquake in California today. The closest one was off the coast of Oregon.

    Follow this link.

  3. Today?  Where in California was it?

  4. no weird! I'm from Lodi- just below sacramento.... where was it at??

  5. This one?

  6. no, that is weird  didn't know there was one.. thx for letting me know! ;)

  7. isn't there little quakes almost every day in California?  big deal, call us when the city crumbles

  8. Yup where I was it wasn't that strong though.

  9. i did i got scared like h**l

  10. h**l ya it almost made me **** myself....

    didn't know what to do was in shock.

    now my house is going to slow;y come apart.

    the bellflower walls are falling down!

  11. im seeing it in the news right now..pretty big magnitude

  12. yea it scared the c**p outta me

  13. Yeah.  It was fun.   As long as no one gets hurt.

  14. Yes.  It was a 5.8 centered in Chino, near Chino Hills.

    My dog went NUTS.  My wife just got home from the market and said that all the cans were rattling and an employee was on a ladder working on a display and ladder was all shaking.

  15. their was an eathwake?

    were at?


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