
Did you feel the earthquake?

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If you did, how close are you to San Diego? My sister is visiting there and she hasn't responded to my text message. I'm sure she's OK but it's making me curious. Thanks




  1. San Diego is a LONG ways away from Chino Hills.

    I am in El Segundo right near LAX.  It very smooth but a lot of motion - seemed like at least 4 or 5 inches sideways.  But nothing even fell here.

    My house is pretty close though in La Habra.

    I talked to my ex and she didn't say anything fell or broke or any damage, so it must be okay out there - she freaks out in earthquakes.

  2. I live in the OC. I am alot closer than her and nothing happened here.

    OH and by the way can you give me "best answer" ????

  3. i felt it and i was like omg here we go again cuz cali is like ugh earthquake central. anyways im like two hours from san but thats not where it started. dont worry about your sis maybe she had to do something and couldnt answer.

  4. heck yes! i am only 1/2 hour away from chino!!!.... i almost had to change my pants....i thought it was still going on due to my shaking knees!!

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