
Did you feel the moment your baby's heartbeat started up?

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I did - it was about 3 weeks into the pregnancy and I felt a whirring and a feeling of a clocks cogwheels moving almost like a clock being wound - I just shouted out 'the baby's heart has started up' and then took a pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant. It was a magical moment - but wondering if anyone else has felt the same?




  1. i agree it was probably gas! you dont really feel anything really at 3weeks but congratz anyway!

  2. The baby's heart beat was beating  after that I hate to tell you.  It starts about 5 weeks. what you felt was probably gas.  LOL

    besides that it is like the size of a grain of rice, there is NO way you can feel it.  But its a nice thought.

  3. I was thinking the same thing as the first poster.  The baby's heart doesn't just "start" up.  However, I did have a "feeling" every time I was pregnant.  I have had four children, and I always knew before it was confirmed.  

  4. The baby's heart doesn't just start up, like that.  It grows from a clump of cells, and is beating all along.  You can't feel it, at all, until the child is quite big, if at all.

    And you certainly can't feel anything before a preg test will test positive, the fetus is about a hundred cells or so.  

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