
Did you feel you would go into labor at a certain time and it happened?

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like as in, if you felt you would go so much early like at 38 weeks, and you did around 38 weeks, or you thought right around 40 and did or if you thought maybe you would be late and you did? or even if you guessed the exact date? lol. it is interesting, how mommies can know their bodies so well. i think it has alot to do with instinct, and maybe god telling some people when it will happen! how about you!??





  1. No.  They kept moving the date later and later.  She finally came on the 25th.  (Original due date was Oct 15, then 17th, then 19th.)  I was hoping she'd come early, but had the feeling she'd be late.

    I keep having the feeling that my son (due Sept) will be early by a couple of weeks.  I've also had dreams.  I'm hoping (PRAYING!!!) he'll come a couple of weeks early so I can enjoy the warm weather with him.

  2. Ha Ha, no. I was way off, so was the doctor. I looked ready to pop at 6 months and I was convinced that because I'm so tiny, I would have gone early. At 32 weeks, my doctor told me I was already 2cm dialated and that I'd be going any day now. My daughter didn't come for another 8 weeks. She was born on time, two days before her due date.

  3. I did not predict when it would happen; however, I knew it was happening from the very beginning.

    I didn't know because I was in pain, but rather it was a feeling that overcame me--not contractions.  I don't know why I knew; I just knew.  

    My daughter-in-law just had a baby and she knew as well.   As she approached her due date, I would ask her every day, "Is your body talking to you yet?"  She answered no until the day it happened.  She too was not in pain.  She just felt different.  Finally the contractions began but were not painful until about 12 hours later.

    We now are the grandparents of a beautiful baby boy!  Couldn't be more proud.

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