
Did you find it hard to believe that the joker was played by heath ledger? ?

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okay, i don't know if its just me but they look totally different! (yes i do know that one of them is covered in makeup)

but, if i wasn't told that the joker was played by heath ledger, i wouldn't have had a clue! his performance was amazing by the way, he is an amazing actor and will be missed RIP x

- please don't bother answering if you just want to be mean, it will be appreciated :) -

x big thank you x




  1. Yes, good makeup and powerful acting. Heath Ledger gave it his best for his last full role.

  2. I've always known he was a great actor ...  his performance was exceptional ...  I am pretty sure he had some prosthetics on his face for the scars and stuff ...  part of why the resemblance isn't there ...

  3. Not hard to believe at all. He did an amazing job!

  4. no i didnt find it hard to believe it. It was the best joker i have ever seen.

  5. When it was first announced 2 years or so ago I was surprised and kinda disappointed but I sure was wrong. He was perfect.

  6. At first when it was announced that he would play the Joker I thought how he would pull it off but then I saw the movie and he really did his research on the character by becoming although not looking like the traditional Joker in the Batman comics, he had the essence of the character dead-on. It was really a good choice for Chris Nolan to cast him for the part. Its really sad though that Heath is gone but he really made his mark in the movies with his superb rendition of the Joker.

  7. hehe i agree. I have seen him in other movies and then i saw the dark knight and wow, what a change! I wouldn't have had a hard time guessing it was him if nobody told me,... although you can tell who he is when The Joker appears without make up as a cop.

    He did an amazing performance btw ;)

  8. The idea is no harder to accept than the notion that Daniel Day Lewis played both a wheelchair bound triplegic in "My Left Foot" and Bill the Butcher in "Gangs of New York." Movie stars almost always give the same performance (Arnold Schwarzenegger and John Wayne are good example of movie stars), but actors are professional chameleons and can submerge their true selves in a role. For some reason, the public has almost always preferred movie stars to actors. Heath Ledger was an actor, but his untimely death may turn him into a legend.

  9. I KNEW it was him but I couldn't TELL. He did so good! I'm so proud! He IS amazing and is very much missed. ;] ♥

  10. yeah.. i know what you mean. they did seam so different. but you could sort of tell that it was him at times. they way he moved, his facial expressions. just the way that he moved his hair out of his face was very heath. but at times it is hard to believe that he could make himself look like that. but also we have to remember that heath was in a pretty bad state of mind and had been doing drugs. thats is probably one of the reasons he pulled it off so well because at the time (now dont get me wrong) was looking.. well.. like sh*t basically.

  11. well i for one understand your question.

    and yes he looked sooooo different!!!

    cause he was like super hott in real life

    not like the joker isnt hott, dont get me wrong....

  12. yea your right

    if  no one told me i wound"nt have know

    (he is a really amusing actor!!!!!)

    and he has and accent and in the dark knight you couldnt tell

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