
Did you find it hard to park when you first passed your test?

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I am so rubbish at parking and just wondered if any one else was like this and if you have any funny stories to make me feel better about this.




  1. Yes and this is normal for everyone and you will get better and better as time goes on, drive safe.

  2. practice makes perfect! or at least close to it

    keep on trying

  3. It's normal to suck at parking when you're a new driver! Don't feel like you're alone, I've been driving since I was 9 or so, I grew up "in the country" and have driven trucks in the pasture. When I started driving for real once I hit two cars with both sides of the truck! There was PLENTY of room to park between the cars, I just didn't judge the space right!

      This was straight in parking, parallel parking is way harder! I've ran over curbings, dented rims, and bumped cars too many times.

      Don't worry you'll get the hang of it, just keep trying. One thing I found that helps is to find a reference on the hood to gauge your distance by, like a body line or stripe, or something. Also if you have power mirrors be sure to readjust them so you can see the side of the car.

      Hope this helps,


  4. It's easier to park (although scarier) if you go for a space between two cars. Then you can judge where you are. I've been driving for 4 years now and still can't parallel park.

  5. I hate to sound patronising but surely if you cant park a car  how did you pass your test? as the idea of the test is to prove you are a competant driver!

    specifically do you struggle with reversing into a space or parrallel parking.?  Neither manover is overly hard, its about having spacial awareness and being observent. Knowing at which point to start turning and understanding how the car will react.

    My old instructor used a trick of having stickers in the back and side windows and the idea was to line up the stickers with the edge of the curb or the back edge of the car you wanted to park behind and begin turning once you had passed the point.

    as others have said practice makes perfect --- but please dont practice near my car hehe.

  6. definitely, but I have been driving for 5 months now, and I can do it with my eyes closed. It will get easier the more you do it.

  7. no coz im da best driver in da world X

  8. Yep, definitely. There was a period of time where *every* time I'd park next to somebody, I'd pull in about two inches away from their car. If my mom was with me, she'd start screaming at me "you're going to hit him! You're going to hit him!" which only made me more nervous as I backed out to correct it.

    Go to an empty parking lot and practice a lot. If you need to, park in the back of the lot when you go somewhere, where there aren't any cars to make you feel nervous.

    And also, look around the lot the next time you go to a store. Very few people park perfectly- you'll notice that many of the cars are close to the lines/over the lines, crooked, etc. It will get easier and easier each time you do it, though.

  9. Boy Pooky i with you. Been driving four years and still can't parallel park. lol

  10. I rock when it comes to parking.

    I had 4 years experience before the test.

    It gets easier the more you do it.

    You just need to acquire the "feel" for the size and shape of the vehicle.

    Practice till you get good.

  11. Most people are bad when they first pass. I used to be a driving instructor and used to give lessons in parking after the test for those who wanted them. Worth a thought for you?

  12. Actually I had no probelm parking I parke like in 45 seconds, but they took me out to the street and this guy in a big truck was making me lights and making nervous so I got really upset and started to curse at him and then when he finally went around me I flicked him off and failed my test, because of the coursing and flicking, the guy that was testing me said I had road rage and laughed his @ss off.

    Then my second try since I din't have my glasses they cause I los them three days before they failed me agian.

    The third time I tried the car I hit a d**n cone were Iwas suppose to park and they failed me again.  And the fourth time was the charm.

    Hahaha I was driving with out a license for like three years

  13. I think I'm the opposite to most people here... at the time of my test I was really good at reverse parking. I used to have fun with my parents by reverse parking into a spot so tight that we couldn't get the doors open... 3 years later I can't reverse into a spot without a few attempts, can't parallel park if my license was on the line, and can't even forward park if theres a vehicle on both sides!

    Try to remember what you learned at driver's ed... Or get a good pair of running shoes so when you end up parking way at the back of the parking lot you don't have sore feet by the time you reach the store entrance. At least its good exercise!

  14. yep, practise makes perfect. When I first passed I used to park right at the back of car parks so i knew no one would park around me and Id get out ok.

    Its just a matter of getting used to the size of your car and how big a hole it will go into. lol

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