
Did you force your significant other to join this site, so they would give you best answers...?

by  |  earlier

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*Crickets Chirping*




  1. No. My husband won't join it at all. He says it is boring and most of the people ask really stupid questions. I do get bored with it now and then and some of the questions are beyond stupid, but I have made some great friends thanks to this site.  

  2. I never thought to do that! lol! But he wouldn't give me best answers unless I deserved it. He's really fair that way.  

  3. my wife is here but we agreed never to give or answer each others questions!

  4. no he is a member but he wont tell me his name, he might even be a contact for all i know lol

  5. When I had a SO I told him to join but he didn't seem to interested. He just answered a few PS3 and computer questions and got bored with it.

  6. nope but my friend and i do that sometimes, but we only did it 3 times so yah...ha ha

  7. No. My husband gets bored with this site real quick so if he gets in the mood to answer some questions he'll just sign on my name and answer a few questions and besides I wouldn't want him answering my questions anyway - if he knew the answer I wouldn't post it here.

  8. no, but it's a good idea, unless your significant other is highly outspoken like my significant other

  9. that's a NO NO..

  10. No

  11. :) He had already joined way before we met...

    We met here by chance one special night some time in October...and now we answer each others' questions and play around a lot :)

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