
Did you gain a lot of respect for Mike McCarthy during this whole Brett Favre nonsense?

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I didn't have an opinion one way or another on Mike McCarthy before this stunt Favre pulled. After he stared down Favre and held his ground I think he is one helluva coach. If the Packers suffer after this Favre stunt and Packer fans get his head, I'm sure he will land on his feet elsewhere. Good going, Mike.




  1. No.  The Packers decided to trade their Hall of Fame quarterback, so that they could start Rogers?  As a long-time Steeler fan, if Bradshaw wanted to come back today, I'd say move over Big Ben!

  2. I think he handled the situation better than most coaches would have. He was professional at all times (even when Favre wasn't.)


    Favre was clearly on the downhill side of his career when McCarthy came to town. He was getting his way and not being coached at all under Mike Sherman. McCarthy made him work hard, stay late studying film, studying the playbook, etc. And the result was a much better 2008 season. It's obvious McCarthy is a good coach.

    I think if the Packer fans are patient they will be Superbowl contenders in a year or two.

    And if they aren't I hope McCarthy does land on his feet. There are plenty of teams who could use a head coach like that!

  3. We will see what you think after Rodgers is stink up the joint...You'll be the one leading the McCarthy was an idiot for getting rid of Favre chant.

  4. Not totally. I mean I have respect that he stared Brett down. On the other hand the organization let Favre do this for too long. I mean sure you can't blame Mike for that, but you also can credit him for them staring him down.

  5. h**l no. How do you as a coach whose job it is to put the best team on the field to try and win games either decide or allow your managment to decide that the team has moved on and not take Brett Favre back. He gave the packers 16 years of his life and then they jsut decide that they are better off without him. He is a better QB right now than Aaron Rogers ever will be so it doesnt make sense how he is trying to put the best team out there to try and win if you dont take back a very critical part of what made your team successful in the past. I hope the packers have a season like the Dolfins did last year, and they see just how dumb they are for not wanting Brett.

  6. I won't say I gained respect for him but I understood his position. You have to let go sometime. One thing that he did do that I give him props for was sticking to his word and saying A-Rodg is the starting QB instead of letting the pressure get to him and giving Favre his job back.  

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