
Did you get everything you wanted and then regret it?

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I have almost everything I ever wanted. Eventually, I will get it all. Having said that, I wish I could go back to a simpler time in my life. I am isolated, alone, and completely miserable. Not a day goes by that I don't think about ending it all.




  1. If you get everything you want, then just want to be happy.

    Isn't it only the poor people who say, "Money can't buy happiness"?

    If you think that your money (& possessions) are making you sad, you could always send them to me.

    Thanks, in advance.


  2. Set new goals for yourself. Create a new idea of "everything." Think about what you want in your life. What do you want to accomplish? What kind of lifestyle do you think you would be happiest in? How do you think you can benefit the world?

  3. God people here are just suicidal,I grow tired of comforting you all. So go ahead and do it. The world-much less yahoo answers will thank you. And if your religious you can go see your god.And he can slap you across the face,tbag you and p**s on your grave from heaven.

  4. Do something to help other people, you'll feel better.

  5. Usually people like you describe are selfish and self-centered.  they can do no wrong, every thing wrong in their lives is someone else's fault.

    sound familiar?

    You must change your attitude.  do as the person above me suggests and go out and find someone who has nothing or a lot less than you and share  your stuff with them while at the same time giving them unconditional love.

    That means no matter what they do to you or say about you  or do that you do not approve of, you still love them.

    if you can do this you will find that many people love you unconditionally and will want to be your friend.

    Only you can change and only you can find this happiness for yourself.

    Now that you know what to look for and what to do about it and now that you know that your life must change to get better;  go rent the movie Scrooge.  And look for the similarities to your current life and then apply what I have told you to get the same result as the end of the movie.

    I do this every day and my life is wonderful.

    Another thing you might do is ask God to help you reach out to someone less fortunate than you everyday,  I do.

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