
Did you get lost during your freshman year of high school?

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Did you get lost during your freshman year of high school?




  1. i think everyone gets lost there 1st year of high school

  2. oh yeah.  Lost.  Really, deeply lost.

  3. A couple of times! lol, but it is fun, enjoy it.

  4. Nope not at all. We had a tour of the school a few weeks before we started to get a feel of the school. my school also passed out maps

    good luck dont worry you'll love it

  5. I got lost countless times in the first month at my school. It's a 4500 student building and has 5 total floors, plus outside trailer classrooms on what was the football field(no football team for some stupid reason). Teachers don't really care if you're a few minutes late, but if it's the end of the year and you're still late you can't really say you just got lost.

  6. for the first day or two i dint know where i was going but after that u should be fine

  7. I think everyone does ;)

    It might sound scary to be a freshman in high school, but it's really not. I've changed schools 3 times and I was always confused about the building at first. But there was always someone there to help the 'new girl,' and after finding my way out of a few wrong turns I got where I needed to be.

    Remember: EVERYONE that is a freshman (plus new upperclassmen) aren't going to know the building either! If you're worried about getting lost, buddy up with someone who's in your class and try to interperet the map together. If all else fails, ask an upperclassmen! It's really not as scary as it sounds; someone would have to be a real beyotch to say no, right? Plus, it's better than being late to class!

    It always gets better after the first week or two. You just have to get into the rhythm of things ;) Don't freak out, it's going to be okay!

  8. my school is not that big so i didn't get lost but that happened to a lot of my friends. usually if you explain the problem to your teachers they'll understand.

  9. i was right at home!

  10. No, it was pretty self-explanatory.  I quickly picked up a patten on the arrangement of rooms.

    But, many people do get lost and it's ok. Don't be afraid to ask someone around (preferably a soph, junior, or senior). You might get lost only during the first week. After that, it will be fine!

    Good luck!

  11. what kinda lost?

    I got lost in translation ;D

  12. i got lost the first couple days but i got to know my way around pretty fast but alot of the older people were telling me to go the wrong way so watch out for those i would just ask teachers or ppl that look like your age  

  13. i found it pretty easy to get around i guess. if its anything like my highschool they would give u a map of classrooms, and a list of where your classrooms are.

        btw, finding a good desk is crucial on first day lol. thats why its good to be prepared and know where all your classrooms are first.


  14. I got lost THIS year, and I'm a junior.

    Mind you, I was on my way to a teacher's class that I've had before. My school is HUGE.

  15. yeah my hs was pretty big...but there are usually ppl in your, say, 1st period class..that have the same 2nd period class OR are going to a classroom close to it.  so don't worry.  plus, the teachers will understand.

  16. only a lil bit...the teachers will allow you to be late to classes for your first couple of days

  17. Yup, but I never admitted it   lol

  18. Yes i did, and i am a senior now, i still get lost. :) but what you should do is ask upperclassmen in the school, and if it's a new school, ask someone in a community service/ leadership group (ROTC, student council etc) hope this helps!  

  19. yes i did i went in the boys locker thinking it was the girls bathroom cause this senior told me it was the bathroom and he also told me we had a pool on the roof for gym class

  20. Yes.  I couldn't find the gym.  Can you imagine--the gym?!?!  Oh, well, I was lost, but I wasn't the only person, so it was alright in the end.  

  21. I went the wrong way a couple of times and was late to class but the teachers understood!

  22. I start my freshman year in a week and I'm really scared.

    I kno I'm gonna get lost but luckily I have my friends and aunt there to help me.  

  23. it was a little scary

    but i found my way,

    i didnt get lost.

  24. Not exactly. Our high school was shaped like a square, so you would walk around on your correct floor till you found your class.  

  25. 2 story an 2.800? Thats nothing. Try 8 story and 5,000.

  26. A few times the first couple of days. But the teachers understand that you are new to the school, and you need to get used to things. They usually don't mind the first few days. But don't make it a habit. But ya I got lost a couple times. It gets easier though. (:

  27. I start in a week but i did get lost at orientation, lol. my school is very large, 6000 students and 3 high schools in 1, two of the schools are 2 floors high and one is 3 floors high

  28. Actually me and my friends got lost a lot during freshmen year but the teachers totally understood why. After couple of days i got the hang of it but then i was always late to class because of my friends so i ddnt get away with it anymore haha.

  29. I start Freshman year in 2 days, and I am scared to death lol.

    I'm going to get lost in my 2 story highschool of 2800 kids lol.

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