
Did you get pregnant on birth control?

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If so, were you taking it properly and how long were you on it before you got pregnant and how did you know you were pregnant?




  1. I did not get pregnant on the pill. However, I have two friends that were both taking some form of birth control and ended up pregnant. I think that one was not taking it on time everyday and the other one was told that it happens sometimes and the one she was on was just too low dosage for it to work. They are the only ones I have ever heard of though!

  2. i was put on birth control at 17 for an ovarian cyst. i got pregnant with my first daughter at age 20 (was taking antibiotics). missed my period and got morning sickness.  

  3. yes i was on the pill and had been for 5years. I found out i was pregnant at 23 weeks because i had gone for a medical for a job i had applied for. It was a massive shock. I didnt always take the pill correctly and sometimes missed pills to skip my period. Now i am back on it and take it exactly as it should be taken!

  4. Ya i was one the pill AND used a condom and i still got pregnant for some very odd strange reason. There both not 100% effective, i just got EXTREMELY unlucky and got stuck in the percentile of uneffectiveness

  5. I was on the Depo shot.  I had the injection every three months on time for about a year and a half.  For about a year of that, I was on Lupron as well.  Six months after finishing the Lupron therapy but still continuing the Depo injection, my b***s started feeling incredibly sore so for kicks and giggles I went to the doc and requested to have a pregnancy test done.  Needless to say, even my doctor was speechless at the positive result!

  6. yes i did.  I was on the pill, and took my pill at the same exact time everyday.  I had 2 children all ready and wasnt ready for another.  so i made sure to take it right, and low and behold, i wound up pregnant again.  not only was i on the pill, but i forced my husband to wear condoms too!!!!  oh, i was on the pill for about 10 months when i got pregnant.  i knew i was pregnant by instinct.  Something in my  mind just told me i was, i took a test and sure enough, positive.  

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