
Did you get sad reading New Moon? -SPOILERS?

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I mean haven't read that much, but I'm so sad that he leaves!! Did anybody get sad? :'(




  1. I have reread the series like 5 times and i still cry every time!!!! i even cry when i see Jacob in pain. You really feel like your there, or your Bella, or something. Its really depressing but really good.

  2. No, I was mad!! It was at that point that I turned over to Team Jacob. But if it makes you feel better, my friend cried A LOT.

  3. i was sooo sad but it was predictable ... i almost cried which is something  and i cried because i understood edward's point of view and it was excruciating to see him in breaking dawn as the burned man ..... this is when i cried and sobbed the burned edward!!

  4. I didn't like New Moon. I thought it was boring as h**l. I was sad, but I was mostly just mad that my time was wasted. I did love Twilight and Eclipse. New Moon was awful and Breaking Dawn was "eh".  

  5. TOTALLY BEEN THERE. I cried i no, i hated that part.. but it gets better dont worry :) we all had to put up with jacob LMAO.


  6. ohh i cried when he left

    & i read the rest of the book in one night just so i could make sure he came back lol

  7. I cried.  I literally put the book down and almost sobbed.  :[



  8. No, I was happy.

    It was about time Bella got out of that abusive relationship.

    But boo hoo, he comes back for revenge!

  9. i was really sad when he left

    i like read the whole book quickly just to make sure he comes back.

    it was really sad.

  10. Not at all. I was wondering why the heck Bella didn't demand for an explanation. I would have said, 'Why are you leaving me when the day before you said you loved me! &@^#!!'.

    Something like that.

    But I have to say, the book wasn't the same without Edward . . . without all the filler of his gorgeous looks in the first one, I actually had to take my mind off screensaver and read the thing. It was boring. So very boring.

  11. Pippa's got it right.  =)

    but keep reading..

  12. I was sad but i didnt cry i was srt of shocked but i new he wod *** back like he count leave and not *** bak no one wod read the fricken saga i cried wen bella says that jacob says that sam uley says that jacob cant be her friend no more. it was a sad book

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