
Did you get this while pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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We've been trying to conceive for a couple months now, and all of a sudden this past week I've been feeling differently. I'm not getting the usual throwing up, it's my....bowel movements.

First I was constipated for 3 days, then all I had was diarrhea for 5 days, and now I'm constipated again. I read online that some women experience this.

Did you? (And I'm talking seriously early on. Around the time you found out you were pregnant)




  1. I didn't have this problem with my son. But with my daughter I did. And with my daughter I had been tryin for about 4 months I was at the i give up point than that body issue showed up but my period didn't.

  2. One of the first signs that  I was pregnant with my last 3 have been diarrhea. I haven't thrown up. SO it may be a sign.

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