
Did you get to be what you wanted when you grew up?

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Did you get to be what you wanted when you grew up?




  1. No!!!!!!

    I had many dreams and none of them came true even though I worked very hard towards my goals.  It's a competitive world out there!

  2. Not yet!

    As a child I was absolutely obsessed with the ocean and wanted to become a marine biologist.

    I married young (21) and began having children right away. I had my 4th by the time I was 26--all singles, no multiple births!

    I am now 38 and my youngest is 12. I am not disappointed in my choice to stay home and raise my children, and know that eventually, I will accomplish my goal. Sometimes life points us in a new direction, and we have to choose what is most important to us at that time in our lives. This doesn't mean we haven't reached our goals or lived our dreams, just means we have put them off for a while.

    I am still in love with the ocean and all the beautiful life that it holds.

    I have traveled to the Carribean and swam with sharks, I still watch every documentary on marine life I come across, and I have been looking into diving lessons. I still have many years ahead of me!

  3. I don't think so, I'm a preschool teacher and I love children but this job has no excitement, so I have no idea why i end up being a teacher if my dream was to be a writer, thanx for the question, it made me think..

  4. i dont not grown up yet. haha. but when i actually am old enough, i wanna do something that'll change the world, not just another office worker. something that people actually need. id feel accomplished that way (:  

  5. Pretty much. I always knew I wanted to be a business professional; was wearing dress suits and playing on the typewriter since I was 10 years old. I had a baby when I was 18 so my dreams of going to college were put on hold but I went to night school while working in a factory, utilizing my company's tuition reimbursement program.

    I didn't want to compromise my role as a mother so I chose to stretch out my education over fifteen years, (and 2 more babies later) and finally received my AS degree. Over the course of attending classes I worked my way up from the factory work to entry-level office positions, and ultimately became a manager in with the corner office.

    All of this was made possible through the strength that only comes from God, not by me. And the support of my husband and family, of course.

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