
Did you get your kids a good microscope when they did high school biology, and if you did, was it worth it?

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I'm just wondering. We have one that is not very good and I am considering upgrading but just don't know if I want to spend that kind of money. My kids do both intend to go to college for science-related careers, so I am taking that into account also. We use Apologia, if that matters in your answers!




  1. I personally didn't need or want one and graduated summa *** laude with a degree in biology.  I bought a used one when required in medical school and sold it when the brief course completed for the same price.   I haven't missed it.

  2. Yes I did.  I had two boys just a year apart in age, so I bought two.  It really wasn't necessary.  It was a waste of money for highschool studies. Any cheap ten dollar magnifier would have worked just as well.

  3. I did, but I bought it used.  If you can find someone with a good quality microscope who has already sent their kids off to college, they often let it go pretty cheaply.  Used curriculum sales can sometimes be a good place for this sort of thing.

    As far as whether it is worth it, well, I think it will be.  I just bought it this month, and we won't actually be using it until September.  I think it WILL be worth it though, because Apologia has a lot of microscope labs.  Also, I will *probably* be sharing it with others at a co-op and save other parents the money of buying their own.  :o)

    Here is the one I purchased:

  4. I wouldn't go for the top-level microscope unless it's in your budget, but I would go for a decent one, especially if they are going into the field of science.  When my son gets there (another year or two), I'm budgeting $120-180 for a microscope.  I know he'll use it for several years, so I consider it worth it.

    (We're definitely not high-budget homeschoolers - we're one-income and I get whatever I can for free or at a discount - but my son is going into a science-related career as well, so it's a resource I consider to be well worth the price.)

    We love Apologia, btw!

    Hope that helps! :)

  5. We bought a high level microscope.  I think it is a good investment. And we use and love Apologia.  (we found a mite on one of our pets and looked at it..... FREAKY!)

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