
Did you give your children's teachers Christmas presents?

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What did you give? Did you give them to all their teachers? For example, my kids have 3 Sunday School teachers each, they have choir teachers, preschool teachers, etc. It really adds up.)




  1. I only gave a gift to her school teacher- her main one. I gave her a gift basket with a mug and cocoa, and a few other goodies came in it. I spent $15 on it. Being that your kids have so many teachers maybe you could have your kids make something for each teacher, like an ornament with their picture, or bake cookies and make each a liitle cookie or goody plate with a card. I received one of those from a friend and I loved it. I know I could not afford to buy gifts for so many teachers. I hope this helps.

  2. Only give to the main/ "HOMEROOM" Teacher the others don't expect them.

  3. My daughter has 1 teacher, 3 teacher assistants, 2 ballet teachers, and gymnastics and guides. What I did was bought 8 cookie tins at $1.96 each. Then I baked 2 types of cookies and filled each tin with about 20-24 cookies (they weren't big tins). You don't have to do this all in one day, but one activity teacher at a time. I'm sure a card would have been fine, but it meant a lot to my daughter that she give a gift. We love to bake anyway, and she got to say that she helped make these special cookies! Very cheap, very thoughtful! Merry Christmas!

  4. i did but he forgot to take it it was a teacher's gift set from walmart.

  5. Don't send teachers food.  I was grateful, but often left school with cookie tins and boxes of chocolate galore.  

    My favorite were photos of my class that parents took during visits.  Gift cards to target or a much needed mani/pedi.

    Only give to the main teacher.  The one your child spend 40 hours a week with!

  6. I have 3 kids and yes it does add up.  However, these teachers work daily with our kids.  I personally think it is important to make them feel appreciated.  I totally understand the cost issue.  Perhaps you could help your child make a card and bake some cookies for them.  That way the cost is minimal.  Try and remind your child it is not the cost of the gift that matters it is the thought that is put into the giving.  Perhaps they could write a poem and buy some basic supplies for the teacher.  Most teachers  spend  their own money on class room supplies that even $10.00 could really help.  Be creative and I am sure you will have all the teachers feeling appreciated.  The fact that your even thinking about them really says a lot for your character already.  keep up the good work!

  7. I had a second grade teacher that from the first year I had her, I would give her a box of chocolates and a card for every holiday, I would still give my own teacher a gift but it wouldn't be the same. It was just this tradition that I did up until my 12th grade year, she was a friend of a friend too so I always stayed in contact.

  8. He gave only to his school teacher. He gave her a box of chocolates.

  9. Yep - I gave presents to school teachers, and sometimes I give them to Sunday School Teachers. Also, I give them to all private music teachers, but not coaches/sports people.

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