
Did you go into labor before or after your due date? how early or late were you? ?

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were you induced? c-section? were you dilating before labor? any pre-labor symptoms? I'm 39 weeks and just curious to know some stories....can you tell me some of your labor and delivery experiences? Thanks ahead!




  1. Before. I was induced almost 2 weeks early. Induction is a little bit brutal, so if you end up going that route, be prepared. You go from not being in labour to being in full-on labour really quickly, and it's a bit shocking, actually. Although I was fully dilated and effaced, my guy didn't have any interest in coming out, so I ended up having a C-Section. I know it was all quite painful at the time, but you know what? It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO worth it! Best of luck to you!

  2. a month and a half early preemie and she's doing good and coming home at the end of this month i'm so excited =]

  3. I went into labour 10 days early.  We'd just had friends around for dinner.  They left, and we were relaxing - and 15 mins later my waters broke!  Contractions started within 10 minutes, and labour progressed really quickly - I had my baby boy 6 hours after my waters broke.

    I had no pre-labour symptoms at all.  Two nights before, I used Evening Primrose Oil (internally), and had  little "niggles" all night.  Other than that, there was no sign at all!

    Best of luck with your labour!

  4. About 4 weeks before my due date I went to the doctors to be checked, he said I was dialated to almost 3 and 100% efaced. He said there was no way I was going to make it to my due date. My daughter had to be induce 3 days after my due date. So you just never know! My cervix was as thin as tissue paper for over a week and she just did not want to come out!

  5. I started dilating when i was 33 weeks. I was 2 cm but they stopped my labor...Then at 35 weeks i started hurting again plus leaking water (My water did not break though)  went to the hospital but i had to be flown out to another hospital because i was early. They tried to stop my labor but it did not work so i had him at 35 weeks and he weighed 4lbs 15.6oz & was 17 inches long in perfect health.

    My due date was September 14th but i had him on August 16th

    I had to have a c-section because he was breech and because i had pre-eclampsia.....Oh yea while i was in labor before getting flown out i did dilate to 4cm.

    The labor pains was not horrible but what was awful was the pain of having a c-section.

    My son is now 7 years old....He is my only child. All of the above scared me so bad and i have not forgotton the pain so i guess that is why i have not had any more kids.

  6. I was actually two weeks late. I was at my doctors office when my water broke. I was dilated two centimeters when i went to the hospital. that was about 10 am that morning. I went into active labor around 1 pm and he was out by 7.01 pm. I'm hoping my second child is just a quick. I'm due November 14. Good luck to you. and Congrats!!!!

  7. i went into labor exactly a week early. i was in labor for about 6 hours. my water bag broke in the morning before i was going to costco. i had a natural delivery and i really liked giving birth. im 18 years old and my daughter is now 3 and a half months

  8. I woke up at 39 weeks and 3 days with some cramping and a stream of thin blood in the toilet (not mucosy). I went to see my doctor, who checked me and said that I was not dilated at all and to go home, that it was "pro-dromo labor." An hour after I got home, my water broke around 3:00 pm and we had to drive all the way back to the hospital.

    I labored during the rest of the day and until about midnight, at which time the doctor told me my labor wasn't progressing, and he called for a c-section. My daughter was out at 5:30 in the morning. So...she arrived at 39 weeks and four days.  

  9. My daughter was due Jan 9th and was born Jan 8th 29 mins before her due date, I just woke up that morning and was having contractions they day before I lost my mucus plug with her.

    Labor was very tough with her, I had no medicine because it was taking me forever to dilate, Then I got the epidural I pushed for about an hour with her but felt no pain with the birth,after wards was tough because I had so many stitches.

    My son was Due Sept 30 I was induced he was born on Sept 24th labor was wonderful I was comfortable all day but began having pains while pushing him out I healed very fast after having him

    I am on baby # 3 right now Due JAN 27TH 09 WISH ME LUCK LOL :)  

  10. well my first was 5 days early, i went for my normal check and the doc asked if my waters had broken because i was dialated. i had no idea i was even in labor because my waters hadn't broken.

    my 2nd was 6 days late. I had just got hubby in bed because he broke his ankle 2 days before, i went to the toilet, got back to the bedroom and my waters broke at the door. i had to tell my poor hubby it was time to go. he wasn't

    labor was extreemly painful until i had an epidural with both of my girls, but after that, it was a breeze, the nurse was chatting away with my hubby at the end of the bed when i said, sorry to interupt but i think the baby's coming.

    I'm not sure how this one will go, they've booked me in for a c-section just in case my placenta doesn't move. i have placenta previa but i'm sure whatever happens it'll be fine. good luck

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