
Did you go into labor on your own?

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How far along were you when you went into labor? And please share your labor stories if you want. :)

I am 37 weeks and 6 days and I am being induced @ 39 weeks and I want to know how possible is it to go into labor before then....I know she will come when she is ready though!




  1. Of course I haven't had my son yet but I just wanted to jealous I am of you LOL :p, I wish I could be induced soon I'm almost 38 weeks like you, doc says he "may" induce me...but...he wouldn't want to do it to early because of the risks of emergency c-section and things. I just want to meet my son already! I can't wait any longer, your so lucky you get to meet your baby girl in a little over a week!!!

  2. It's very possible to go into labor before then. Why are they inducing you at all? Most doctors will not induce unless there is a medical necessity, or if you go overdue by more than a week.

    **With preeclampsia, you are definitely more likely to go into labor earlier because any kind of abnormal medical condition makes the pregnancy more "unstable" (so to speak) and your body often will respond as though it knows the baby is better off being born than staying inside.

  3. I went into labor at 38 weeks + 1 day but I was induced due to high blood pressure. My body did not feel ready to go on its own and I thought I would probably be overdue if I was not induced. However, at 38 weeks when they checked me, I was 1 cm and having regular contractions even though I could not feel them.

    Why are you being induced?

    I liked being induced because I was always scared of going into labor on my own...being out in public when my water breaks or something. Also when you are induced you can mentally and physically prepare a little more. You know what day you are induced so you can have a nice bath, get your bags ready, have a little something to eat, get the camera handy...things like that.

  4. With my 1st pregnancy I was 9 days overdue when I went into labor.  I was scheduled to go in to be induced on Halloween Night, I ended up having her on my own at 12:45 pm on Halloween Day.  

    With this pregnancy I am hoping not to go overdue.  My Dr says she won't make me, but it depends on my cervix.  If my cervix is doing nothing then I may go overdue.  

    Good luck to you!    

  5. If shes ready before then she'll come. I was 3 days over with my first, my contractions wern't regular so they induced me.  

  6. I went in for an induction on a Tuesday night, 3 days before my due date. They had me on Cervicil overnight and then Pitocin during the day. Nothing changed on Wednesday, so they did the procedure again the following day. I went through horrific contractions all day Thursday but I wasn't dilating at all. They sent me home Thursday night.

    That night I went into labor. My contractions started at 10pm, and I was in extreme pain all night. Crying, throwing up, I couldn't walk, it was crazy. At 8am on Friday morning I went back to the hospital and found I had dilated 3cm.

    I wasn't dilating fast enough for the doctor's though. They put me on Pitocin again, which caused extreme contractions that kept breaking through the epidural. At 10pm that night they did a c-section, which was another terrible experience.

    I was induced originally because my doctor was going on vacation and didn't want to miss my delivery. She went on vacation on Friday though, so I ended up having a doctor I'd never met perform my c-section.

    Worst-experience-of-my-life. However, I have a healthy little boy now that I love more than anything. I will never have another baby though, I couldn't go through that again.

  7. I went in for a checkup when I was 37 weeks and 4 days.  My doctor checked me and I was 3cm and 75 percent effaced.  Then she hooked me up to a monitor and I was having tons of contractions and didn't even know.  They were like 7 minutes apart.  My doctor sent me home, but told me to come in the next morning (if I made it that long) to have the labor induced as it was going so slow.  I went in and got hooked up to the monitor again and was having contractions every four minutes.  I still couldn't feel them!  So, I did go into labor on my own.  However, they broke my water and started me on pitocin.  I got a half spinal block and half epidural forty five minutes later, because I could definitely feel the contractions then!  I progressed so fast.  After a while, I knew it was time to push, that's what I did and 20 minutes later I had a baby!

  8. 36 weeks and my water broke right after I pee'd (so, thought I was peeing on myself for a sec).

    I didn't try castor oil, s*x, or do a bunch of walking..just happened.

  9. I am mom to 4 who were all born past their due dates by 9 days, 11 days, 5 days, and 7 days.  Unless there is a compelling medical reason to do so, I am not a big fan of inducing.  I firmly believe that a woman's body was uniquely designed to conceive, carry, labor and deliver a baby so interference in the process without a reasonable medical reason simply delays the natural progression and carries some risks to consider.  With my second baby, who wasn't born until 11 days after his due date, my doctor said it wouldn't hurt to at least have a non-stress test done simply to see how things were going in there.  My doctor wasn't one to jump on the inducing band-wagon and I was glad for that.  I was scheduled for a non-stress test Monday morning, but ended up going into labor on Sat. and having him on Sun.  With my 4th baby, I was 38 years old and had Gestational Diabetes, so I was considered high-risk and underwent some additional monitoring.  Beginning at 32 weeks I had weekly doctor visits that each included a pre-natal appointment, a visit with the diabetic nurse, a non-stress test, and an ultrasound.  At 40 weeks, I still showed no signs of impending labor, no thinning, no dilation, nothing.  My team of doctors discussed induction, but I preferred to let nature take it's course since my baby was doing fine and I was feeling well.  However, at 41 weeks, they suggested an insertion of prostoglandin gel just to see if that would at least get my cervix in the mood to thin and soften.  Unfortunately, I had a bad reaction to the gel and went into 6 minute contractions which sent my baby's heart rate alarmingly low.  It all worked out OK as my body worked hard to get the contractions evened out and I didn't require the pitocin despite being prepped for it.  I was checked at noon with absolutely no signs of effacement and dilation, had the gel insertion right after, and ended up having my baby at 7:39 PM.  If I had it to do all over again, I would have insisted to wait one more week to see if labor would start naturally.  They told me in the hospital that if I was to have another baby that I should not let them give me another prostoglandin gel insertion.  My husband got a vasectomy after she was born so we didn't have to worry about that.  Babies can come before their due date so it is possible you'll go into labor before the scheduled induction, but it really is impossible to say.  Due dates are estimations and babies regularly come any time 2 weeks before to 2 weeks after a due date and be considered full-term.

  10. I was exactly 38 weeks to the day with my daughter.  It was the day we had originally planned my baby shower, but something told us to move it up 2 weeks.  LOL.  Good thing we did!  I woke up that morning and thought I had peed my bed!  Then when I got up and the water just kept coming, I realized my water had broken.  I got to the hospital about an hour later, and wasn't having contractions so they had to hook me up to an IV of Pitocin to get them started.  I was in labor for 19 hours before my beautiful little girl was readyy to meet & greet :)  I didn't have any signs that labor was near, I felt absolutely wonderful actually.  I lived in a 2 story house at the time, and the stairs never bothered me.  Now here I am with #2, 37 weeks pregnant and I feel the complete opposite :(  I have a feeling he will be over due!  

    Good Luck!  Let me know how it goes and what happens if you get induced!!!!!!  

  11. Oh, yeah.  That definitely wasn't a problem for me!  lol  I first had signs of labor at about 36 1/2 weeks.  I was having some bleeding and turns out some contractions I couldn't feel, they said I was a bit dehydrated so they made sure I drank stuff and the contractions calmed down.  A week later, I had the bleeding again, and felt all crampy and everything.  This time after a day of that my water broke and off I went to have my little one!  That was at 37 1/2 weeks along.

  12. I was 40 weeks 2 days when I went into labor. The doctor had set up induction at 6 am on the 10th because I had gestational diabetes and they didn't want me to go to far past my due date. I woke up at midnight the day I am supposed to go in for my induction and felt like I had to go #2 real bad. So I went to the bathroom and then I sat on my birthing ball for about 45 minutes and then decided that I might be in labor. DH took me to the hospital where she was born 1 hr later. When she decided she wanted out she really meant it.

    Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! Your daughter will be here before you know it.  

  13. I thought my water broke in the middle of the night, so we went to the hospital (i was 35.5 wks along) come to find out my water did not break, I just peed my pants *blushing*

    since I was there, they went ahead an induced me. Active labor didn't start till 11 hours later.  

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