
Did you go into labour really early and your baby survive perfectly healthy? how many weeks were you?

by Guest32514  |  earlier

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Did you go into labour really early and your baby survive perfectly healthy? how many weeks were you?




  1. I abrupted at 32 weeks and had an emergency c/s. My daughter is now a healthy 18 month old with no lasting effects of her prematurity

  2. i wasnt..and i dont have any children. of my friends was born in June and he wasnt supposed to be born until 4 months early (16 weeks early)...he weighed about 2 pounds..was fine..came home 2 days later..and is now healthy...the only thing he had wrong was when he was about 2..he had cross eyes...and had to get them fixed (my sister had the same condition..and she wasnt born early so it was probably just him)

  3. My first son was born 6 weeks early and was an amazing 7lbs 5oz! His lungs were not 100% developed so they gave him a hormone shot and he had to be monitored for an extra day in the hospital. Other than that, he was a perfectly healthy baby boy. He's 7 now and you would never be able to tell he was a premie.

  4. Well I was an early baby (6 weeks) I hear the story all the time. I was only  4lb. and 7oz., and I was in intensive care for 2 week, but I am fine now, and my mom fattened me up real fast!

  5. My son came at 34 weeks and he was 2 lbs. 7 oz.  After a day they took him off the breathing machines and he could breathe fine.  He had some jaundice and had to be fed through a feeding tube.  They also had him hooked up to IV's for fluids.  He stayed in the NICU for a month and was released when he could eat on his own.  He was 3lbs 6 oz. . They normally don't let them come home till they are at least 5 lbs but they were swamped with babies and didn't have any room left.  Mine was really small but had no health problems.  He was not hooked up to any breathing machine's or heart monitors.    We had to make sure he stayed bundled up and he was given a shot every month for rsvp ( common cold for normal babies).  Once he got older he had to have 2 shots a month.  He hardly ever got sick,  I stayed at home with him until he was 1 1/2 then went back to work.  That is when the health problems started.  When we put him in preschool he started to get sick all the time.  Allergies and his ped. just kept putting him on different meds. every other week b/c he couldn't figure out what was wrong with him.  I finally got fed up and started doing some research and demanded he refer him over to an allergist.  We finally got his tonsils out, tubes in his ears , adnoids removed and his sinus cavity drained.   Then he was pretty much better.  This was by the time he was 2 1/2.  We noticed he wasn't really talking and had his hearing checked and b/c of all the fluid that had built up from the infections with the allergies he had some mild damage.  We put him in speech therapy and he still goes now at age 7.  He is also in occupational therapy b/c his hands sometimes don't want to cooperate with him.  It's hard for him to button a shirt or pants, tie shoes correctly and his handwriting is a little sloppy.  All of these things have improved immensly and to look at my son and talk to him , You would never know that he was a premmie.  Only certain sounds he cant pronounce and his handwriting has gotten neater since we make him slow down.  He is extremly active and is a normal boy.  He understands a little too much sometimes and sometimes he manipulates and acts like he doesn't understand so he doesn't have to do certain things. If you have a premmie my advice is to expose him in small doses to other kids.  Mine was never around kids and had not built up any kind of immunity to all the different germs they carry.  It bombarded his body and he just couldn't fight it off.  He would stay sick for months at a time with sinus infections.   He hardly ever gets sick now and he's about ready to cut out the occupational therapy.  In another year he will be ready to cut out the speech.

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