
Did you guys enjoy the rain racing Saturday in Montreal?!

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I loved it and I feel it should stay (road coarses only)




  1. It makes me think that NASCAR is finally joining the rest of the world in that aspect... I think it is great.

  2. I think Nascar needs to sack up and use rain tires and windshield wipers at all of their tracks when the rain is just a mist.

    F1 does it, 24 hours of LeMans and Daytona does it.  No the racing isn't as good, but it was tons better than the fiasco in Indy two weeks ago.  

    These are supposed to be some of the best drivers and teams in the world, and they can't race in a little rain?  Put the rain tires and wipers on and show us you are worth the money.

  3. I enjoyed it!

  4. It was interesting to watch...but why wouldn't it be used in the Cup Series (as noted by Michael Waltrip on This Week In NASCAR last night) though I don't know... Makes sense to try it there & refine it as necessary.

  5. It was a neat experience for NASCAR...i liked it.

  6. I thought it was cool. I wonder how their wiper was attached, maybe suction cups? I think that it would be cool to see them race in the rain again, definitely on road courses only though. I would also like to see it make Little Busch spin out and into the wall, but that is just me!

  7. It was great!

    I always love watching wet races (used to it from F1 and V8 Supercars) as you can easily see the cars get sideways instead of waiting for slow-mo replays where you can barely see them get an inch out of line and the commentators say that the car is really loose *rolls eyes*

    Also, wet races are the only races where you'd rather NOT be driving the cars instead of saying how easy it looks, lol

  8. I thought it was definitely unique. Rain tires in NASCAR .. who would've thunk it.

  9. Yes. It was interesting.

  10. I thought it was great! It sure beat watching boring interviews of drivers under umbrellas! I'd like to see the cup cars do it on road courses too but I've heard that NASCAR doesn't have any plans for that in the near future.

  11. i loved it too different they can only do it--rain tires-- on road courses.  rain tires would not work out at fast speeds on banked tracks with heavy nascars.

  12. The best part was with Carl Edwards sticking the squeegee out the window and cleaning his own windshield.


    It was interesting, kind of like watching the race while on Shrooms.

    I t    w e n t     k i n d     o f      s l o w.

  13. actually...i'd rather them start racing in the rain, so that there would be No POSTPONEMENT of races...i hate red flags...

    It rained WAAAY too hard in Montreal

  14. It was better than having them not race I guess. but I did not find it very exciting  

  15. It was something different and I thought it was most interesting.  I am looking forward to them doing it again.

  16. yes it was history in the making

  17. It was pretty good.  They were even passing and racing eachother still.

    Bob - Nobody anywhere in the world races in the rain on ovals.  The speeds and tire loads are too high compared to road racing.  Rain tires overheat quickly if they aren't wet so they wont work on an oval because the water will drain off the banking and puddle on the straights.

  18. Was true stock car racing.  Baseball football soccor ect all play in the elements (if no lighting around) Why can't NASCAR  Remember the S stands for stock  not sunnco racing fuel and most cars sold do have wipers and defrosters But most likely will not happen cause drivers now are rich little prima donnas and if conditions aren't perfect become cry babies

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