
Did you guys hear about the shooting in nothern llinoise university?

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How could some one do that most of the kids killed were under 22 yrs old its so sad are world has come to this there so many crazy people in the world its scary to sometimes even leave your house. =( my blessings to all the familys.




  1. I couldn't sleep knowing what has happened out at N.I.U. The gun man was off his meds, great and this is what happens. My heart go out to all in this area, I live 20 miles away, my whole family has gone to this college, we has a lot of good times there.

  2. Yea, I've heard. I've read the articles and I've also asked something like this about the gunman.

    I think he's out of his mind. He shouldn't be felt sorry for, but the students who got injured and died should be, and there familys.

    This is the second gunman in the United States. I hope a third doesn't come out.

  3. Everyday we hear of some idiot and some innocents

    ...what can we do, the cowards always shoot themselves

    so the law can't get their hands on them.....leaving the

    innocents' families in mourning...and most of the time,

    the coward has a family in mourning too.....We can't stop

    what has already happened and we can't foresee what is going to happen....we just live with it, day by day!

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