
Did you guys know that.......?

by Guest64635  |  earlier

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Tony Stewart donated his earnings from Sundays race to the American Red Cross for the Midwest Flood Victims?

That's pretty cool huh? I just read that and I thought I would share it with you all you guys might of already known but hey it's a great thing he did and why not share some good news for once (lately!)




  1. Hats off to ya Smoke, way to go!

  2. Whoop Whoop have one of the biggest hearts in Nascar, super cool...That is so nice of him to do this, those people are hurting so bad.. Smoke you Rock!!!!

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  3. Way to go Tony!!!!!

  4. As we say in Louisiana: Tony is "good people"!!!!

  5. He is a great guy

  6. tony is pretty charitable especially to the indianapolis area he and combo or something to that effect build parks for neighborhoods so every kid has a safe environment to play in... he is amazing that is why i like him

  7. I'm not a fan of Tony but it's awesome he did that. And if further proves that NASCAR is more than a sport too. A friend in school was arguing how its not a sport and a waste of money and bad for the enviroment and yada yada. I told him though that its not just about the racing itself. It's the drivers who advertise and donate to charities. This further proves that NASCAR is more than racing.

  8. Yes. They announced that during the Michigan race.

  9. Yes I knew that.  I also know that he is one of the most generous of all the drivers.  He does have that bad boy/rebel/brooding way but I love that too!!

  10. that's why I love the guy so much, he's always doing for others whether its the Victory Junction Gang Camp(s), Flood victims, retired drivers...and there's so much more we don't ever hear about...just more proof that there's more sides to the man than his passion for racing...

  11. That's very good thing to do Tony!

  12. Whoop! Whoop! To Smoke.

    What a sappy soft heart he is  :)

  13. Tony is dah man! And what a sweetheart for doing that!!! GO SMOKE!!!

  14. ThankYou All! I Will Take That To Heart.

  15. Tony is a great race car driver but what he does off the track for the communities and charities is just amazing.  He is a huge contributor to Victory Junction Gang Camp and so many others.  He builds playgrounds all over the place.  He just finished, i believe, his second one.  He deserves a lot of praise for what he does but most of the time you really don;t hear about it because he keeps a lot of it to himself.

  16. That awesome. Old smoke gets a bad rap from everybody. He's a good guy, love him or hate hime how can anyone denie what he brings to nascar?? Sure he gets himself into trouble sometimes but isn't his passion the reason we watch this sport? I seen this story on a web site and the writer acted astonished that the "NASCAR bad boy" was this generous. Wake up people this isn't the first time and certainly not the last. I'm not even a stewart fan but you gotta give credit when its due

  17. Yes, I did hear about that. I think that's really cool of him. I live in Ohio and I have also lived in Indiana. Indiana flooded so bad a few years ago that people couldn't get out of town (Decatur). All the routes were flooded by the Great Miami River.  People were sand-bagging like crazy, it was a mess. I haven't seen Indiana since this past flooding but I can just imagine. We've had some here in Ohio, but it wasn't too bad.

    When I heard before the race that Tony was going to do that, it made it even more cool because it hit close to home. He's a really awesome guy off -track, too. :D

    Thanks to Tony and pray for the victims.

  18. thats awesome..I love how he hasnt forgotton his midwestern roots


  20. I had heard he was donating some money but I didn't hear he handed over his whole winnings.  That is pretty cool of him, he deserves a pat on the back for that.  

    We all need to keep these poor folks in our prayers they are just going threw total h**l and pandemonium.  I just heard today that more of the Levees are starting to breach now.

  21. Tony is such a sweetheart. (And this is coming from a Newman fan! LOL)   He may give off the bad-boy image, but he's a great person!

    Thanks for letting us know!!! :)

  22. Once again Tony completely blows his image it's fun when he does that.

  23. Awesome Tony, thats great...see, he isnt always an

    Go Kasey Go!!

    # 9 all the way baaaby!!

  24. I think it's great!  My family is up from around that area.  A lot of bad stuff happening there with them floods.

  25. Yep, that's pretty cool.  My sister, brother in law and nephew live in Cedar Rapids and ANY help is greatly appreciated.  She said that the water is receding but it will be quite some time before people will be able to get back to their homes and businesses by the river and downtown.  They are on the every other day plan for showers and washing essential clothes but plenty of fresh drinking water has been brought in and is available for free.  I don't care for him much as a driver (though I respect his ability) but away from the track, he is a great person and humanitarian.  He is always willing to lend a helping hand to almost anyone that needs it.  Kudos to Tony and all the drivers for the good that they do and all the worthy causes they support!  

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  26. Thats not hard to believe. Smoke donates a lot of money to charities. He is one great Dude !

  27. Thats cool way to go Tony.

    Go Dale Jr 88

  28. Yea I read that last week he was going to do that. Tony tends to get a bad rep from the media but he really is a great guy.

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