
Did you guys read the review about a nine year old getting kicked out of a basball team for pitching to fast?

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If u have no idea what i am talking about go to this link

What is ur opinion about him getting kicked out, i think that is completely unfair and something should be done about it.




  1. Wow! That is truly bizarre!  I am not a big fan of lawsuits, but I think that this kid's whole team has a case.  Imagine not being allowed to play because of something bogus like the other team's parents think the kids might get hurt.  They might get hurt in the shower too, but they take them anyway.  This is just sour grapes and jealousy.  Talk about bad sportsmanship, this place takes the cake.

  2. unbelievable, My little 9 year old brother can probably top out 45 when he lets it go, and he's nowhere near a phenom. 40 is ridiculously slow and if for some reason you have a slow town of softball players move him up to little league! good gracious, someone does not know one thing about baseball, or apparently an entire community doesnt.  

  3. For pitching to fast. That is like telling a kid that can't play basketball because he is too tall. The other teams should just have to deal with it. It's part of the game. He needs practice if he every want to make it to the MLB so they should just let him play.

  4. Great lesson for the kids: when faced with adversity to h**l with sportmanship, get a lawyer to stop your opponent.  Total garbage.

    I want to ask -- 40 mph sounds impressive, but compared to what?  Just how fast does the average 9-year-old pitcher throw?

  5. its pretty stupid that they are not letting him play. In my first year of baseball i was 11 and there were some kids in my league that were capable of pitching 60+ mph to 11-13 year olds and there was at least 1 of those kids on each team and since my team was the best team they always pitched them against us. But this kid is throwing 40 mph to 8-10 year olds. Thats like a difference of 20 mph from 10-11 years old if they went to my league.

  6. Kids are tough, and 40mph is not fast enough to really hurt them.  Difficult for them to hit into play perhaps, but not hard enough to seriously injure them.  I not only feel bad for the young pitcher and his team, but I also feel bad for the opposing team that quit the game.  I doubt that the kids had any say in quiting the game.  How would you feel if some adults told you that you couldn't play against another baseball team because they might hurt you?  Like a baby, that's how you'd feel.  We as a society have become WAY to overprotective of our children, and it's not healthy.

  7. That's total BS, that isn't that fast, I've coached kids faster and the other teams learned to hit him. When will these parents learn they are only making sissy's out of their kids by not teaching them to deal with adversity. This pitcher is bringing his best game, the others kids need to also.

  8. i agree. i think it's unfair because he found something he's good at, and he gets penalized for it? he fits the age group, so i don't see a problem if a 9 year old is a pitching phenom. i think he should be able to play.

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