
Did you guys see Ponting hugging Ganguly?Do you think the IPL can improve the relations between cricketers?

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Did you guys see Ponting hugging Ganguly?Do you think the IPL can improve the relations between cricketers?




  1. You are absolutely right.I saw that too,it was nice.IPL is providing a chance to these cricketers to improve their image.

    If they are smart guys they will behave properly.

  2. ofcourse it ill creat better understnding between cricketers from different part of world and individual technique of playing cricket can be shared with different players

  3. Yes.

  4. Yes I saw that but that's naturally because they are in the same team, palyers do that all the time if they are in the same team, but when they are playing against each other emotions again will flare up espcially if they are playing for their country, it happens a lot even in some other sports...

  5. yes

  6. i hope they do ... :)

    Knight Riders Rock !!!

  7. Dont think of those aussies are very tricky. And poty is paid alot for playing in the IPL.

  8. yup,saw it......that is a rare sight but it was nice to see them playing as a team,together.

  9. i think yes

  10. Yes i belive that it was sooooo GOOOOOD!!! i loved to see ponting put his hand round ganguly and all the other players and did u see hussey- he was soo supportive....i am a true Ganguly (1.ganguly 2.jayasuriya)fan but i loved the way all the players got together

  11. Yes. Hope so. It improves.

    Was food to see them all playing together.

  12. it is S

  13. yea i felt great to see that too .

    it was good to see that criket itself helping to improve relations

    i think ipl would help a lot to improve relations

  14. Yes. Indeed it is a heartening sight. Such interactions will defenitely help reducing animosity between players and build up good personal relationship.

  15. yeah....i am pretty sure it will......

    the players who are now playing as one, united team have never played this way before.....they have always played as opponents...

    IPL will help them all to know each other as what they are will create healthier team has already brought players from different countriels closer !

  16. I think you'll find that was Ponting being a proffesional sportsperson. The Kolkata team are going to have a lot of problems this season with their team balance and heirarchy.

    Don't let a gentle embrace fool you. A  lot more goes on behind the scenes that never gets put to light.

    Teams and freindships aren't based on hugs and kisses, their built on understanding and comradery - it was obvious during the game that KKR have a LONG way to go. trust me ;)

    Having said that - having players on the same team gives them a great chance to improve relations, as the league progresses they will grow as a team and their loyalties in their team will grow as well

  17. Well, have patience before you rush.

    Don't forget about Ricky's statement  when he get paid little for IPL. Also Aussies are coming to INDIA later this year and they do not that hard time what they have given to INDIA earlier.

    Wait and watch when they come to play under Aussies flag. It will start again.

    I know most people will not like my answer, but I do not like to jump into any conclusion very early.

  18. Yes, I saw it and was much pleased by this sight. You don't get to see the sight of Ponting and Ganguly hugging each other very often. I was amazed by the fact that the same Indian and Australian players who were exchanging verbal abuses against each other just a few months back, are now getting on so well. When Ganguly was the captain, there had been many verbal wars between the two, but now they seem to be quite friendly with each other. Previously  Ponting had even praised Sourav's captaincy and said that he was delighted to get an opportunity to play under Ganguly's leadership. It really would be nice if the IPL really succeeds in improving  the relationships between the  international players from different countries.

  19. Yes, It will. You see when one team tour other country player(s) are often not allowed to see each other in dressing room or in hotel room. Specially after match fixing incidence. Hence they don't know about each other well. In IPL they'd be wonder to know that so and so player is much different than they actually thought and might end up being good friends. Anyways, It was really nice to see ponting was hugging ganguly and others and vise versa.

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