
Did you have a Silver Cross or Wilson pram for your baby?

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My father-in-law had a pram and toy shop. I was expecting the first grandchild. Magnanimously he said I could choose any pram in the shop. I chose a Danish pram. It was lower than the British models, you could take the body off and use it as a carry cot and the chassis folded so you could put it in the car. How was I to know it was the most expensive pram in the shop? I don't think he ever forgave me.




  1. silver cross for my 1st and a mama's and papa's for my 2nd

  2. I found a 2nd hand coach built silver cross pram and it was wonderful!  IThe baby had room to move about and get comfy - unlike those awful little things you see now.  She was also above traffic fumes and faced me so we had contact whenever we were out and about.  It fitted her until she was over two and I was heartbroken when I had to change to a buggy.  

    It was also great for shopping.  It held as much as a small van!  I wish they'd bring them back.

  3. He told you to choose, so you did. If he is unhappy that is his fault. My children have a silver spoon with their name engraved on it. Poppy  

  4. No, don't know what it is!

  5. I had to buy my own I chose one similar to yours leatherette body and crome chassis

  6. I had silver cross prams for my babies, the 1st had a new one. then it was a  second hand one for the next. They were really deluxe compared to some  rather tinny ones of the day.  It was my pride and joy to push it out when it had been cleaned and the chrome wheels polished.  We had lovely blankets and quilts with fringing.  The babies looked so snug and warm in the cold weather.   There was also a sun canopy for the summer.   I cringe when I see some of the way tiny new borns are taken out in buggies these days, there doesn't seem the protection and comfort.

    These prams are still available today I think but I don't know who buys them as they cost a fortune.   I have seen the replica silvercross dolls pram recently and that was really expensive, more than an ordinary modern pram.

    lots of people travel in cars now so these coach built prams would not be sensible as the don't fold up.

  7. I managed to pick up a water damaged Silver Cross buggy for our elder boy. It got increasingly battered with the effect of long walks to the shops and being the repository of plastic bags full of shopping. Silver Cross prams were not for the likes of us.

    We went to Norway for a short trip just after Easter. It was somewhat snowy and it was very upsetting to find that the Silver Cross hadn't been unloaded at our destination, so that we had to cope with a toddler and our luggage as best we could.  However, we anticipated being able to claim a replacement and became more and more enthusiastic about the Norwegian buggies we saw in shop windows -- they all had big wheels and looked extremely sturdy.

    Our buggy was found in Christiansund and rushed to us at our destination. We found people staring in wonder at it -- it was not much good in the snow with its tiny little wheels. At the end of our holiday we watched with eagle eyes at Heathrow for our Silver Cross and grabbed what we took to be it as it appeared, only to be indignantly ousted by a couple who claimed it as theirs. It was now we realised what had happened. Two families with Silver Cross buggies -- but theirs was new and chic and when our battered one had been put out by mistake at Christiansund they had scorned it and insisted on the second one being unloaded, with ours going round and round the carousel unclaimed.  

  8. I bought a 2nd hand Silver Cross pram for my 1st daughter for £30 in 1983 from a friend of a friend.  When I became pregnant a 2nd time 7 years later I again bought a Silver Cross pram from exactly the same person as for my first daughter lol.  We had become very good friends after purchasing the 1st pram and we found it funny that both prams were bought from her.

    I had always promised myself that I would only have Silver Cross prams and I fulfilled that promise to myself.  

  9. Iam sorry I don't know what your talking about I must have been absent that day.

  10. we had a silver cross and when the kids grew out of it it was great for fetching a cwt of coal in.

    just told everybody it was an ugly baby

  11. Yes I had a silver cross and I could see my baby

    through the top of the apron.

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