
Did you have a defining moment as a teenager?

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An event or a circumstance in which everything changed for you?




  1. Not exactly a teenager.  I was 27 when I had my defining moment.  I was married with a child when my ex and I split up.  Yes I lost a c**p load of weight and thought my life was over but the truth is looking back, my life had only just begun.

  2. When I was 18 I tried to fulfil a lifelong dream by auditioning for the Actors course at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art

    I flunked but I practised and tried again and got into a really good college to study for a degree in Performing Arts and that was the best 4 years of my life.

  3. im 17...hasn't happened yet.

  4. no...

  5. I was 15, it was weekend and I was bored. I browsed through a stack of books and picked one to read.  It was the book ''Mans Search for Meaning''  by Victor Frankl. I based the rest of my life's decisions on what I read there. My relationships with loved ones, my reactions on hardships, my whole personality was build around this mans theories. One of the things he said is that you do not always have control over what happens to you but you alone control on how you are going to react on that. And why does some people just give up and some make it against all odds? Because, if you set for yourself a reason to go on, to live, to make it, a goal to fight for and you absolutely focus on that, you WILL make it , no matter what. The book is based on his life story and it molded my life story up until today...

  6. when i was 7; my grandma, who had raised me since birth passed away, I did not understand what had happend to her until I saw my mom and aunts crying did I realize she had passed; very painful.

  7. I had two. I went through a glass door (before safety glass) and this injury changed my life and caused me to have to be an observer more than a participant and that pushed me into thinking about life, not just being busy.

    That first accident led me indirectly to the most defining moment of my life period. All my observations led me to realize that I didn't know what life was all about and that I was miserable. I decided to kill myself. Thankfully circumstances led me to encounter Jesus Christ and I prayed my first prayer and entrusted my life to God. I'm so glad I know Jesus Christ. He gave me life, joy and hope.  My two defining moments were connected and they have set the whole direction of my life.

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